We Host International PhD Students from Kazakhstan in Our Department

We are pleased to welcome Atyn HASEIN, a PhD student from Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kazakhstan. Atyn HASEIN, as a guest of our university, studied part of her doctoral study with Dr. Tefide KIZILDENİZ GÜRBÜZ. It will be held under the supervision of member Tefide KIZILDENİZ GÜRBÜZ and will be in an academic interaction environment during this period. Atyn HASEIN's visit to our university will increase the sharing of knowledge and experience, encourage academic collaborations and support a cultural exchange. We wish her a successful academic year and welcome her to our university.

You can access our student's acceptance letter by clicking here.

Latest Update : 19.05.2024