Working Places

Students graduating from the faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences can be employed in Ministries, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, the Undersecretariat of Treasury, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Development, Istanbul Stock Exchange, Capital Markets Board, commercial banks, participation banks, financial leasing (leasing) companies, factoring, forfeiting companies and other intermediary institutions operating in money and capital markets.

While the public sector can employ students graduating from these programs as experts/inspectors or assistant inspectors in supervision and audit activities; the private sector may need students graduating from these programs in technical areas such as product pricing and development, sales, investment, planning and marketing.

Graduates of faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences are employees who are equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge and who know communication processes in all dimensions. They can demonstrate their creativity and sense of responsibility at a high level based on this knowledge in both public and private sectors.

Latest Update:18.10.2023