

The Social Work Program aims to educate professional social work experts with national and international competence who can effectively intervene at the points of interaction between individuals and their environments, using the scientific and professional foundations of social work illuminated by theories of human behavior and social systems. The program also strives to transfer the knowledge and skills of social work scientific research methods appropriate to the rapidly changing national and global conditions to practical applications for the academic and professional development of social work. Furthermore, it seeks to empower students to identify the requirements of applicant systems, plan, implement, and evaluate these requirements with a holistic approach, taking into account the ethical principles and standards of social work. Additionally, the program aims to equip students to generate effective solutions to social problems and to embrace lifelong learning through a continuous improvement approach.

Professional Profiles of Graduates

Graduates who successfully complete the Social Work Bachelor's Program receive the title of "Social Worker." Social workers have employment opportunities in various sectors, including but not limited to:

  1. Ministry of Family and Social Services, both at the central and regional levels.
  2. Guidance and research centers.
  3. Schools and educational institutions.
  4. Childcare centers, nurseries, and daycares.
  5. Preschools.
  6. Foster care homes.
  7. Nursing homes.
  8. Community centers.
  9. Women's shelters.
  10. Disability rehabilitation centers.
  11. Senior citizen support centers.
  12. Street children centers.
  13. Adolescent counseling centers.
  14. Health clinics and hospitals.
  15. Dialysis centers.
  16. Family planning and maternal-child health centers.
  17. Vocational training centers.
  18. Prisons and correctional facilities.
  19. Juvenile courts.
  20. Child education homes.
  21. Rehabilitation centers.
  22. Mental health institutions.
  23. Police department child bureaus.
  24. Organizations related to population planning.
  25. Local governments and affiliated departments.
  26. Crisis centers.
  27. Non-governmental organizations and foundations.
  28. Human resources departments in industrial organizations.

Additionally, graduates of the Social Work program have the right to establish private nurseries, daycares, and nursing homes.

Latest Update:30.11.2023