SWOT Analysis


  1. The academic staff consists of young, dynamic academicians with undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees in their fields.

  2. The geographical location of the university allows relatively easy access to major cities (such as Kayseri, Konya, Adana, Mersin, and Ankara, etc.).

  3. Graduates have employment opportunities in both the public and private sectors.

  4. The program's campus is located near the city center, making transportation convenient.

  5. The university has a sufficient internet infrastructure, facilitating access to up-to-date information.

  6. The university library offers online search options in various databases.


  1. Lack of thesis-based master's and doctoral programs.

  2. Insufficient capacity and a limited number of public social service institutions available for students to complete their internships.


  1. Increased recognition of the value of social work practices due to natural disasters and migrations in recent years in Turkey.

  2. The university and the city where it is located are growing, providing expanding social opportunities.

  3. Availability of national and international educational, teaching, exchange, project, and research opportunities within the university.


  1. Graduates from the social work bachelor's program are increasing in number, leading to higher competition for employment.

  2. Growing competition in the employment of social work practitioner candidates.

Latest Update:26.11.2023