About Orhun

It is an international program that enables the exchange of students who wish to benefit studying for one or two semesters in one academic year and academic staff who wish to benefit from mobility for a specified period of time in members of the Turkic States Organization Turkic Universities Union, listed below:

Members of Turkic Universities Union 

Orhun Exchange Program is implemented on the basis of the Regulation on Orhun Exchange Programme of the Turkic Council Turkic Universities Union (TURKUNIB) and Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Orhun Exchange Programme Directive.


1-Assessments will be made according to the host universities’ qoutos and the results will be announced. The students who are going to apply should examine the department /program that they want to apply from the web address of the universities.

2-Students studying in another country as international students cannot benefit from the exchange.

3-The period of student exchange includes at least one and at most two semesters. Semester account can be changed considering the education system. However, the total duration of the exchange cannot exceed one academic year.

4- Preparatory, first and last year students of formal education programs cannot apply for exchange program.

5- The Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of students cannot be below 2.50 over 4.00.

6- During their period as Orhun Exchange Program students continue to pay compulsory contribution share or tuition fee to their home institutions by registering at their home higher education institutions. Students participating in the Exchange Program cannot suspend their study. Students will not pay extra tuition fee to the host higher education institution during their exchange period.

7- Orhun Exchange Program students can be subject to other fiscal obligations that higher education institutions apply to their own students. This matter is mentioned in the Orhun Exchange Program Student Obligation Agreement. Other than the fiscal payments they demand from their own students, higher education institutions will not demand additional fiscal requests from Orhun Exchange Program students.

8- Other scholarships and loans of the students participating in the Orhun Exchange Program will not be suspended within the period of study.


1- This mobility includes academic activities which a teaching staff authorized in one higher education institution will perform in another higher education institution. In the scope of mobility, academic activities of teaching staff cannot be less than total six hours weekly. In hourly calculation of the activities performed by teaching staff, courses are considered. If course hours do not complete six hours, academic activities like seminars, panels or conferences are evaluated accordingly. Teaching staff mobility plans which do not contain lectures will not be considered within Orhun Exchange Program and accepted for the Exchange.

2-There is no department/programme limitation for applications. Assessments will be made according to the host universities’ qoutos and the results will be announced. Academic staff members who are going to apply should examine the department /program that they want to apply from the web address of the universities.

3- Teaching staff mobility period can be 15 days for one academic year.

4- To execute teaching staff mobility in an effective and efficient way, scope, period and conditions of the mobility can be rearranged by the Chairing University if necessary.

5- In the Orhun Teaching Staff Mobility Plan, activities which teaching staff will perform are mentioned in a detailed way. This Plan is approved by related academic unit's administrative boards of the institution of the teaching staff and the host institution. Teaching Staff Mobility Plan is submitted to the signatory home Exchange Program Institutional Coordination Office at least 15 days before the start of its implementation. In this Plan, priority will be given to special occasions such as education language of the chosen higher education institution, in which language teaching staff will lecture and his/her competency in this language. In the Exchange, priority is given to applications from teaching staffs who have not earlier participated in teaching staff exchange activities.

6- If the teaching staff entitled to participate in the Orhun Exchange Program will not participate without excuse he/she cannot apply to this Program for a period of three years.

7- Personal rights of the teaching staff participating in the Orhun Exchange Program are reserved in the home university.

Latest Update:22.11.2023