Turkic Council


As a result of the summits of the Heads of States of the Turkic Speaking States which began in 1992, the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking Countries (Turkic Council) was establihed by the Nakhchivan Agreement, which was signed on 3 October 2009 and entered into force on 17 November 2010. The Turkic Council is structured as a regional framework organization.


Nakhchivan Agreement was signed by four founding states which are Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Hungary's Observer Member status was adopted in 2018. With the membership of Uzbekistan in 2019, the number of members has risen to five. Council’s secretariat is in Istanbul. The current Presidency of the Turkic Council is run by Azerbaijan. In addition, Nursultan Nazarbaev received the title of Honorary President for life since 2019 with the Council decision.

Aims and Duties of the Turkic Council:


-Strengthening mutual trust, friendship and good neighborhood between the parties,

-Ensuring and strengthening peace and security in and outside of the region,

-Adopting common attitudes on foreign policy issues of common interest,

-Ensuring coordination in international fight against international terrorism, separatism, extremism and cross-border crime,

-Development of effective regional and bilateral cooperation in all areas related to common objectives,

-Creating favorable conditions for trade and investment, facilitating customs procedures, financial and banking affairs,

-Aiming for comprehensive and balanced economic growth, social and cultural development through joint activities,

-Ensuring the rule of law, good governance and protection of human rights,

-Expanding interaction in the fields of science, technology, education and culture,

-Encouraging interaction and a more intense communication among the parties through the mass media,

-Ensuring the exchange of information on legal issues and judicial cooperation.

Turkic Council-Partners:




(The International Organization of Turkic Culture)


Establishement: 1993


The International Organization of Turkic Culture, TURKSOY, aims to develop cooperation between the parties in the fields of science, education, culture and art, to promote the common values of the Turkish world at the international level and to spread them to the masses and to deepen the cultural ties between the Turkic Speaking Countries.It was established upon signing of its founding agreement by the Ministers of Culture of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.

 “The UNESCO of the Turkic World”

 Its center is located in Ankara.


(Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic Speaking Countries)


Establishement: 2008

TURKPA was established on 21 November 2008 by the Istanbul Agreement signed by the Heads of Parliaments of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, and the Republic of Turkey in order to develop and strengthen inter-parliamentary cooperation among the Turkic Speaking Countries.

Its center is located in Baku.


Establishement: 2012

It is aimed to protect the Turkish Culture and Heritage by supporting the activities, projects and programs that are being realized and providing financial contribution and to carry out the necessary studies in this field. The Turkish Culture and Heritage Foundation carries out its activities in cooperation with TURKSOY and the Turkish Academy.

Its center is located in Baku.


Establishement: 2012

The aim of the Turkic Academy is to ensure the coordination and support of scientific research in the field of Turkish language, literature, culture, history and ethnography. The Turkish Academy also aims to make the contributions of Turks to the world civilization visible by carrying out researches on the cultural and intangible heritage of the Turkish people.

Its center is located in Astana.
Latest Update:03.03.2020