         The Cookery Program has started education and training as the first education in the 2019 - 2020 academic year within Niğde Social Sciences Vocational School. The courses given by 1 Dr. in the program. Lecturer It is run by its members and 4 lecturers. The Cooking Program started education with 30 students as of 2019-2020 academic year. As of the 2020-2021 academic year, II. Our education program has been opened. As of the 2024-2025 academic year, education continues with a total of 164 (PR) and 94 (Prior) students.

Students graduating from our department;
  1.    Family and Consumer Sciences,
  2.    Nutrition and Dietetics,
  3.    Gastronomy,
  4.    Gastronomy and culinary arts,
  5.    Will be able to make vertical transition to Food and Beverage Management departments.
        If they are successful in the KPSS exams, they can also work in the public sector.

        In order to graduate, candidates must successfully complete the courses available in the program (120 ECTS in total) and obtain a weighted GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00. Those who successfully complete the department are given an associate degree. Students who complete their internship covering 60 (sixty) working days, including compulsory and elective courses, receive the title of Cookery. Graduates who successfully complete their programs will have easier employment opportunities by turning the program outcomes they have acquired depending on the curriculum into practice through on-the-job training. In addition, graduates who want to complete their education at the undergraduate level will be able to easily adapt to the programs they choose. As a result, our students will graduate by gaining experience and professional competence, especially in the application areas operating within our University (Aşağı Kayabaşı Guesthouse, Göncü Guesthouse and Culture and Arts House). With the graduates of the Culinary Program, support will be provided for the qualified workforce needed in places such as hotels, tourist facilities, catering companies, chain restaurants, pastry industry, food and beverage businesses, hospitality industry, food factories, institutions providing culinary training, and kitchens of private or public institutions.

       *Note: A total of 60 working days covering the internship period will be calculated after deducting public holidays and 1 day of weekly leave.

Latest Update:25.09.2024