SWOT Analysis

Supporting the education programmes of Niğde Vocational School of Social Sciences by Niğde University.
Implementation of course programmes in line with current developments.
The physical conditions are appropriate.
Our graduates are preferred in the sector depending on their performance in their fields.
Ease of transport.
Dual education.
The presence of academic staff with the necessary competence in the field.
Equipping our students with practical and theoretical knowledge with adult lecturers in the field and the relevant professional members that we utilise from outside prepares students for business life.


Failure to allocate equipment such as fixtures and consumables to our department effectively.
Weak participation in management.
Insufficiency of teaching staff.
Lack of laboratory equipment and materials.
Insufficiency of resources allocated to vocational schools from university resources.
Low salaries and course fees.
Insufficiency of application opportunities.
Deficiencies in co-operation with industry and trade circles.
Insufficiency of foreign language skills of teaching staff.
Inadequacies in the infrastructure required for the efficiency of existing programmes.
Students do not know enough foreign languages.
Insufficient administrative staff.
The small number of institutionalised enterprises in the region and the inability to provide internship opportunities for students.
Failure to pay any fee to the students doing internship.


The support of the management of our University and School of Higher Education in all developments and opportunities.
The fact that our school has the opportunities to develop university-industry co-operation.
The relationship between the School and other university lecturers is sufficient.
Sufficient experience and ability of the academic staff of the School.
Attempts to open new programmes that will adapt to the development of the age and technology.
Our forward-looking mission and vision that will be brought by the Strategic Plan of our university.
Opportunities to work in partnership with local and non-governmental organisations.
The fact that our school has the potential to handle a large number of programmes.


Lack of sufficient knowledge in students coming from vocational high schools with the transition system without exams.
Low socio-economic profile of our students.
Due to the rapid technological developments, laboratory equipment cannot be updated due to lack of resources.
Limitations in staff and budget.
Few vertical transfer quotas to motivate our students and not increasing the quotas.
Vertical transfer, KPSS and similar exams do not include questions related to the profession.
The employment problem negatively affects our graduates.
Student group with low motivation, students see the future as uncertain.
The negative image of the secretarial concept and the fact that it can be done by people who do not receive vocational training.
Due to the lack of professional managers in our country, office management and secretarial programme graduates are not given the necessary importance.

Latest Update:27.10.2023