Department Figures

Our Department

Developments in daily social life and commercial life, within the scope of rapid changes in global world are increased the need of labor in the areas of Marketing and Advertising. Department aims to instruct students that can compensate marketing theory and its applications to marketing field, which is really important for both national and international economics and employment, endowed with appropirate fittings for being a specialts of the field of study. One of the goals of this program is to educate students, who have the basic knowledge and skills, who know how to use computers, who knows English as a second language, who are innovative, enterpreneur, and specialst in the area of commerse. Graduates from this program can be employed in Shopping malls, grocery stores, can be employed as advertising consultant, product group manager, rack and store job areas, client relations specialist. Again, they can work as as a personal salesperson in marketing businesses, advertising agencies and promotional companies, marketing departments or research institutions and enterprises in the marketing and public relations departments. Those who successfully complete the program can be work as companies in sales, sales rep, sales manager or customer relations and advertising agencies as an advertising representative or the customer.

Our Marketing and Advertising program design the curriculuım which is paralel with the developing commerce and today’s technology, based on elective courses to compensate the flexibility of the program fot economic developments and reginal differences. At the same time, a special care is given to a background for which to obtain international accreditation.

A member of profession who is instructed in Marketing and Advertising program, is instructed for to be able to manage different kinds of operations in shopping malls, presentation companies, advertising agencies.

Latest Update:29.10.2023