Faculty Academic Board
  1. Prof. Rüçhan İRİ ( Vice Dean )
  2. Prof. Hamdi DOĞAN (Professor Represantative Member)
  3. Prof. Sefa ERTÜRK (Professor Represantative Member)
  4. Prof.  Adnan TUNA (Professor Represantative Member)
  5. Assoc. Prof. Zait Burak AKTUĞ (Associate Professor Represantative Member)
  6. Assoc. Prof. Gürkan YILMAZ (Associate Professor Represantative Member)
  7. Asst. Prof. Zehra GÖZEL TEPE (Assistant Professor Represantative Member)
  8. Assoc. Prof. Zait Burak Aktuğ Head of Physical Education and Sports Department 
  9. Prof. Rüçhan İRİ  Head of Coaching Education Departmen
  10. Assoc. Prof. Hüdaverdi MAMAK Vice Head of Regression  Departmen 
  11. Asst. Prof.  İ.Ümran AKDAĞCIK Head of Sports Management Department  
  12. Nilüfer ÖKSÜZOĞLU GÜNDOĞDU -  Faculty Secratery -  Reporter
Latest Update:10.10.2024