
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Bor Vocational School is located in Bor district of Niğde province and has an academic staff consisting of 2 professors, 2 associate professors, 8 assistant professors, and 36 lecturers, making the total number of teaching staff 48. The vocational school currently offers education and training with 9 departments. The departments within the vocational school are Computer Technologies, Machinery and Metal Technologies, Electricity and Energy, Electronics and Automation, Food Processing, Material and Material Processing Technologies, Veterinary, Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies, and Architecture and Urban Planning.

The interdisciplinary activities and collaborations of the departments enable an effective teaching environment and also ensure development of services that contribute to the region and society. The educational and training activities of the vocational school are specifically developed to focus on helping the industry and the farms of the region. Hence, the vocational school aims to contribute to the development of workforce and technological needs of our country by adapting to the demands of the community. With educational understanding and research oriented approach towards the economic, political, cultural, and other similar problems, we represent our country with honor both at home and abroad.

Bor Vocational School, with its main duty of education, aims to provide democratic and participatory education in accordance with the Atatürk's Principles and Reforms and prepares our youth for the future in line with these goals. To successfully deliver its aims, the vocational school employs 48 teaching staff and 13 administrative staff in various departments. Our graduates represent the university with honor in state and private sectors both at home and abroad, while some are self-employed. Special attention is paid to scientific meetings, cultural, artistic and sporting events and participation in national and international events is ensured. At the same time, to improve the knowledge and skills of the students, social and cultural activities are given an importance, while we aim to increase the quality of education and to provide flow of information.

Prof. Dr. Hakan DEMİR

Director of Bor Vocational School

Latest Update:28.11.2023