Working Places

The graduates of our vocational school can be employed in a wide range of fields. The career paths for the graduates on departmental basis are:



The graduates are able to install, maintain, and repair computer systems. They can work both in public and private sector organizations that require the employment of a computer technician. Graduates can also work in public and private sector IT centers. They can work in software and IT companies, IT departments of companies and technical infrastructure companies. Microsoft business partners, Oracle business partners, Sun business partners, and public institutions are also among the target institutions. Finally, the graduates can also work as freelancers.



The graduates can pursue career paths in manufacturing based factories and businesses that make use of electrical machinery and electrical installations. The graduates can get jobs in related businesses that require professionals with the title of technician. In addition, our graduates have the opportunity to find employment in all sectors related to electricity and in companies that assemble electrical units. They can also freelance as technicians in various fields from maintenance and repair to installations of electrical units. The graduates can also choose to further their career as engineers, if they are successful in the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS). Those that wish to get jobs in different fields can be employed as technical personnel, especially in the ranks of Petty Officer, Specialist Sergeant, and Specialist Private, in government institutions and the Turkish Armed Forces.





Students graduating from the electronic technology program, in line with the competencies they have gained, can be employed in small and medium-sized enterprises producing goods and services in the electronics and automation sector, industrial organizations producing electrical-electronic devices, informatics, health, and electronics and automation sectors.



Our graduates can get employment as technicians in two-dimensional drawing and design, machine and bench operators in the manufacturing field. They can also work in the machine assembly, maintenance, and repair units in the machining and non-machining manufacturing sector within the industry. They carry the official title of Mechanical Technicians and can get positions accordingly in certain areas of government institutions and in the Maintenance and Repair units of the Turkish Armed Forces. Those who want to study engineering can take the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS). The graduates that wish to work outside the field work as technical personnel, especially in the ranks of Petty Officer, Specialist Sergeant, and Specialist Private, in government institutions and the Turkish Armed Forces.



The graduates can be employed in both private and public sectors. The public institutions that are suitable for the graduates are institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock, Meat and Milk Institution, Hygiene Institute, Municipalities, Provincial Health Directorates, etc. In the private sector, food-manufacturing factories such as water bottling factory, fruit juice factories, oil factories, flour factories, biscuit factories, as well as small to medium businesses like patisseries, bakeries, etc. are all places of employment. The graduates can work at management, production, and laboratory levels in various fields of the food industry, such as grain products businesses, dairy products businesses, meat products businesses, in private laboratories and in the tourism sector, and they can also open their own private workplaces.



Students who graduate from the department can be employed in the product design, manufacturing and quality control stages of the furniture and wood industry. They can also take part in the planning of new facilities, as well as in the marketing of machinery, equipment, raw materials used in the furniture and wood industry, and in the marketing of modular kitchens, etc. Their knowledge of materials also makes them suitable to work as salesperson in the dealerships of furniture companies. The graduates can also set up their own businesses and operate in the design and manufacturing sectors.




Map and cadastre graduates can pursue careers in both the public and private sectors. Some of the public institutions employing the graduates are DSI, Highways, Provincial Bank, Land Registry Directorates, Cadastre Directorates, Special Provincial Administrations, General Command of Mapping. They can also work in municipal private mapping offices and Licensed Mapping Offices (LİHKAP) as well as other areas of the private sector. There are also opportunities to work in construction companies and private companies that carry out natural gas and mineral exploration studies.



The graduates can work in public institutions such as organizations affiliated with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock, laboratories of hospitals, Hygiene Institute, Municipalities, Provincial Health Directorates, etc. In the private sector, the graduates can work in health institutions, laboratories related to animal husbandry, private sector farms, animal breeding associations, etc. They can also work in sectors such as private veterinarians, animal hospitals, vaccination institutions, and the pharmaceutical industry.



The graduates of the department can get employment opportunities in the State Railways as well as various Municipalities throughout Türkiye. The graduates can work as machinists, maintenance and repair technicians, electrical and electronic technicians in various fields of railways such signalling line installations, train formation workers, dispatchers, cabin maintenance, and other intermediate staff positions in the private sector. They also have the opportunity to work as a machinist and maintenance worker in light rail systems such as metro and tram.

Latest Update:23.10.2023