
A. Publications covered by SCI, SSCI, AHCI


Junaid M. D., ÖZTÜRK Z. N., GÖKÇE A. F. (2023) “Investigation of drought induced biochemical and gene expression changes in carrot cultivars” Molecular Biology Reports - Doi:  10.1007/s11033-022-08050-4

Junaid M. D., ÖZTÜRK Z. N., GÖKÇE A. F. (2023)  “Drought stress effects on morphophysiological and quality characteristics of commercial carrot cultivars” Turkish Journal of Botany – Doi: 10.55730/1300-008X.2750

Junaid M. D., ÖZTÜRK Z. N., GÖKÇE A. F. (2023) “Evaluation of biochemical and molecular response of onion breeding lines to drought and salt stresses” Scientia Horticulturae – Doi:


Sultana N., Gerhard M., Kathrin S. M., Garcia S., Weber B., Serçe S., Heitkam T. (2022) “Genome-wide analysis of long terminal repeat retrotransposons from the cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon” Journal Of Berry Research – Doi:

CANER Y., ÇALIŞKAN M. E. (2022) “Identification of BABY BOOM-like genes (SbBBM) in Sorghum [(Sorghum bicolor) L. Moench]” - Doi:

ZIA M. A., DEMİREL U., NADEEM M. A., FAWAD A., DAWOOD A., IJAZ M., ÇALIŞKAN M. E. (2022) “Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) revealed a genetic basis associated with floral traits in potato germplasm” Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry - Doi:

ÖZTÜRK Z. N., GÖKÇE A. F., Junaid M. D., CHAUDHRY U. K. (2022) “Comparative transcriptomics of drought stress response of taproot meristem region of contrasting purple carrot breeding lines supported by physio‑biochemical parameters” Functional & Integrative Genomics – Doi:

ÖZTÜRK Z. N., ATİK H., VURAL M., GÖKÇE A. F. (2022) “Bazı Soğan (Allium cepa L.) Islah Hatlarına ait Tohumların Farklı Tuz Konsantrasyonlarında Çimlenme Özelliklerinin in vitro Koşullarda Belirlenmesi” Alatarım

HASHMI M. H., SAEED F., DEMİREL U., BAKHSH A. (2022) “Establishment of highly efficient and reproducible Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant – Doi:

AKSOY E., YILDIRIM K., KAVAS M., KAYIHAN C., YERLİKAYA B.A., ÇALIK I., KÜÇÜK İ. S., DEMİREL U. (2022) “General guidelines for CRISPR/Cas-based genome editing in plants” Molecular Biology Reports – Doi:

KARABULUT E., GÖKÇE A. F. (2022) “Determination of Resistance Levels of Some Onion Cultivars or Inbreed Lines with Fusarium Testing at Seedling Stage” Horticultural Studies (Hortis) – Doi:

ŞANLI B.A., Cooper-Knock J., Whittaker K. J., Motsi G. K., Shen E., Julian T. H. (2022) “Unbiased metabolome screen links serum urate to risk of Alzheimer's disease” Neurobiology of Aging – Doi:

Tek A. L., Kara Öztürk S. D., Yildiz H., Karalar D. (2022) "Novel Centromeric and Subtelomeric Repetitive DNA Sequences for Karyotyping the Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc.)" Cytogenetic and Genome Research - Doi: 10.1159/000521398  

Gencer O., Serçe S. (2022) “Determination of Morphological, Pomological and Molecular Variations among Apples in Niğde, Turkey using iPBS Primers” Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi - Doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.876493 

Öztürk Gökçe Z. N., Gökçe A. F., Junaid M. D., Chaudhry U. K. (2022) “Morphological, physiological, and biochemical responses of onion (Allium cepa L.) breeding lines to single and combined salt and drought stresses” EUPHYTICA - Doi: 10.1007/s10681-022-02980-7 


Yousaf Muhammad F, Demirel U, Naeem Muhammad, Çalişkan M E (2021) “Association mapping reveals novel genomic regions controlling some root and stolon traits in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)” 3 Biotech - Doi: 10.1007/s13205-021-02727-6

Chaudhry Usman K, Öztürk Gökçe Z N, Gökçe A F (2021) “Drought and salt stress effects on biochemical changes and gene expression of photosystem II and catalase genes in selected onion cultivars” Biologia - Doi: 10.1007/s11756-021-00827-5

Öztürk Gökçe Z N, Aksoy E, Bakhsh A, Demirel U, Çalişkan S, Çalişkan M E (2021) “Combined drought and heat stresses trigger different sets of miRNAs in contrasting potato cultivars” Functional & Integrative Genomics - Doi: 10.1007/s10142-021-00793-w

Yalçın M, ÖZTÜRK GÖKÇE Z N (2021) “Investigation of the effects of overexpression of Novel_105 miRNA in contrasting potato cultivars during separate and combined drought and heat stresses” Turkish Journal of Botany - Doi: 10.3906/bot-2103-39

Şanli B A, Öztürk Gökçe Z N (2021) “Investigating effect of miR160 through overexpression in potato cultivars under single or combination of heat and drought stresses” Plant Biotechnology Reports - Doi: 10.1007/s11816-021-00677-2

Hossain J, Aksoy E, Öztürk Gökçe Z N, Joiya F A, Khan M S, Bakhsh A (2021) “Rapid and efficient in-vitro regeneration of transplastomic potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants after particle bombardment” Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry - Doi: 10.3906/tar-2010-103

Cebeci E, Padem H, Gökçe A F (2021) “Morphologic and cytoplasmic assessments of bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) landraces” ABI Genetika - Doi: 10.2298/GENSR2101167C

Salim M, Bakhsh A, Gökçe A (2021) “Stacked insecticidal genes in potatoes exhibit enhanced toxicity against Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)” Plant Biotechnology Reports - Doi: 10.1007/s11816-021-00668-3

Miladinovic D, Antunes D, Yildirim K, Bakhsh A, Cvejić S, KondićŠpika A, Jeromela A M, OpsahlSorteberg H, Zambounis A, Hilioti Z (2021) “Targeted plant improvement through genome editing: from laboratory to field” Plant Cell Reports - Doi: 10.1007/s00299-020-02655-4


F. E. Karaat, S. Serçe (2020), “Heritability estimates and the variation of pomological traits total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in two apricot progenies” Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, vol. 43 

M. N. Naqqash, A. Gökçe, E. Aksoy, A. Bakhsh (2020), “Downregulation of imidacloprid resistant genes alters the biological parameters in Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say chrysomelidae  Coleoptera” Chemosphere, vol. 240

Demirel, U., Morris, W. L., Ducreux, L., Yavuz, C., Asim, A., Tindas, I., Campbell, R., Morris, J. A., Verrall, S. R., Hedley, P. E., Gokce, Z., Caliskan, S., Aksoy, E., Caliskan, M. E., Taylor, M. A., & Hancock, R. D. (2020), "Physiological, Biochemical, and Transcriptional Responses to Single and Combined Abiotic Stress in Stress-Tolerant and Stress-Sensitive Potato Genotypes" Frontiers in plant science11, 169. 


A. Bakhsh, T. Hussain, I. Rahamkulov, U. Demirel, M. E. Çalişkan (2019) “Transgenic potato lines expressing CP4 EPSP synthase exhibit resistance against glyphosate,” Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC)

F. Wahid, M. Sharif, S. Fahad, M. Adnan, I. A. Khan, E. Aksoy, et. al. (2019) “Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve the growth and phosphorus uptake of mung bean plants fertilized with composted rock phosphate fed dung in alkaline soil environment,” Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol.42 no. 15, pp. 1760–1769

T. Hussain, E. Aksoy, M. E. Çalişkan, A. Bakhsh, (2019) “Transgenic potato lines expressing hairpin RNAi construct of molting associated EcR gene exhibit enhanced resistance against Colorado potato beetle  Leptinotarsa decemlineata  Say ,” Transgenic Research, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 151–164

A.  Bakhsh, F. A. Joyia, Md Jakir Hossain, E. Aksoy, N. Z. Ozturk Gokce, G. Mustafa, M. S. Khan (2019) "Development of Insect Resistant Potato Transplastomic Lines." In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal, Vol. 55 

S. D. Dangol, A. Barakate, M. E. Caliskan, and A. Bakhsh (2019) "Knockout of Potato Invertase Inhibitor Gene by CRISPR/CAS9 Based Approach" In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal, vol. 55 

M. Aasim, M. Sameeullah, M. Karataş, S. Bakirci, A. Bakhsh, M.S. Akhtar (2019) “An Insight into Biotechnological Approaches Used for the Improvement of Secondary Metabolites from the Medicinal Aquatic Plant, Water Hyssop (Bacopa monnieri L.)” Natural Bio-active Compounds. Springer, Singapore

Das Dangol, S., Barakate, A., Stephens, J. et al. (2019) Genome editing of potato using CRISPR technologies: current development and future prospective, Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture

M.A. Ali, M. Shahzadi, A. Zahoor, A. Dababat, H. Toktay, A. Bakhsh, M.A. Nawaz, H. Li (2019) “Resistance to Cereal Cyst Nematodes in Wheat and Barley: An Emphasis on Classical and Modern Approaches”. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2019, 20, 432.

Amiri, A.N., Bakhsh, A. (2019) “An effective pest management approach in potato to combat insect pests and herbicide”, 3 Biotech 


Bakhsh A., Dinç T., Hussaın T., Demirel U., Çalışkan M. E. (2018), Development of transgenic tobacco lines with pyramided insect resistant genes. Turkısh Journal Of Bıology, 42/2/174 – 186.

Bakhsh A, Dinç T, Hussain T, Demirel U, Aasim M., Calışkan M. E. (2018), Stacked Insecticidal Genes in Tobacco Lead to Appreciable Insect Resistance. Turkish Journal of Biology 42: 174-186

Çalışkan S., Çalışkan M. E. (2018), Row and plant spacing effects on the yield and yield components of safflower in a Mediterranean-type environment. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 23 (2): 85-92. DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.467442.

Demirel U., Tındaş İ., Yavuz C., Baloch F. S., Çalışkan M. E. 2018. Assessing genetic diversity of potato genotypes using inter-PBS retrotransposon marker system. Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization, 16/2/137-145.

Erzurumlu G. S., Sultana N., Vural M., Serçe S (2018), Genetic and phenotypic variation among Turkish terrestrial orchid species as revealed by RAPD and morphological characteristics. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 42:227-236.

Khabbazi S. D., Khabbazi A. S., Özcan S. F., Bakhsh A., Başlama D., Özcan S. (2018), Expression of GNA and biting site-restricted cry1Ac in cotton; an efficient attribution to insect pest management strategies. Plant Biotechnology Reports 12: 273-282

Ulubaş Serçe Ç., Altan B, Bolat V., Ayyaz M., Çifçi O., Önder S., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N., Maliogka V. I. (2018), “First Report of Grapevine Roditis leaf discoloration-associated virus Infecting Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in Turkey”, Plant Disease 2018 102:1, 256.

Zia MAB, Bakhsh A, Çalışkan ME (2018), Mutation breeding in potato; endeavours and challenges. Journal of Plants and Animal Sciences 28: 177-186.


Demirel U., Çalışkan S., Yavuz C., Tındaş İ, Polgar Z., Vaszıly Z.,  Cernák I, Çalışkan M.E (2017), Assessment of morphophysiological traits for selection of heat-tolerant potato genotypes, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol.No:41, Sayfa: 2018-232

Bakhsh A, Hussain T., Çalışkan ME (2017), A promising and cost-effective surface sterilizing method for sweet potato (ipomoea batatasl.) Cultivated in open environment, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Vol.No: 26(4) Sayfa:3062-3067

Pınar H., Yıldız E., Kaplankıran M., Toplu C., Unlu M., Serce S., Ercıslı S. (2017), Molecular characterization of some selected persimmon genotypes and cultivars by srap and ssr markers, Genetika, Vol.No: 49(2), Sayfa: 693-704

Eroglu S, Aksoy E. (2017), Genome-wide analysis of gene expression profiling revealed that COP9 signalosome is essential for correct expression of Fe homeostasis genes in Arabidopsis, Biometals, Vol.No: 30, Sayfa: 685-698

Aksoy E., Maqbool A, Tındas İ., Calıskan S. (2017), Soybean: A new frontier in understanding the iron deficiency tolerance mechanisms in plants, Plant and Soil, Vol.No: 418, Sayfa: 37-44

Ahmed H.A.A, Onarıcı S., Bakhsh A., Akdogan G., Karakoç Ö.C.,  Ozcan S.F., Aydın G., Aasım M., Unlu L., Sancak C., Naimov S., Ozcan S. (2017), Targeted expression of insecticidal hybrid SN19 gene in potato leads to enhanced resistance against Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) and tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta Meyrick), Plant Biotechnology Reports, Vol.No: 11, Sayfa: 315-329

Bakhsh A., Anayol E.,  Khabbazı S.D,  Karakoc O.C, Sancak C., Özcan S. (2016), Development Of Insect-Resistant Cotton Lines With Targeted Expression Of Insecticidal Gene, Archives of Biological Sciences, Vol.No: 68(4), Sayfa: 773-780


Gürel F., Öztürk Z.N., Uçarlı C., Rosellini D., (2016). Barley Genes as Tools to Confer Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crops, Frontiers in Plant Science. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01137

Türkmen A. K., Cavalu S., Göller G., (2016). Development of Chitosan-Hydroxyapatite-Fibrinogen 3D Scaffolds For Bone Tissue Regeneration. Journal of Australian Ceramic Society. 52 (1):34-41.

Bakhsh A, Anayol E, Khabbazi SD, Karakoç OC et al., (2016). Development of insect-resistant cotton lines with targeted expression of insecticidal gene Archives of Biological Sciences. DOI:10.2298/ABS151012063B.

Anayol E, Bakhsh A, Karakoç OC, Onarıcı S et al., 2016. Towards better insect management strategy: restriction of insecticidal gene expression to biting sites in transgenic cotton. Plant Biotechnology Reports. 10:83-94.

Naqqash MN, Gökçe A, Bakhsh A, Salim M., 2016. Insecticide resistance and its molecular basis in urban insect pests. Parasitology Research. DOI 10.1007/s00436-015-4898-9.

Khabbazi SD, Bakhsh A, Sancak C, Özcan S. 2016. Molecular Characterization of Snowdrop Lectin (GNA). Czech Journal of Breeding and Genetics. 52: 94–100.

Ufuk Demirel, Osman Çopur, Atilla Gür. 2016. Early-stage screening for heat tolerance in cotton. Plant Breeding. 135 (1):80-89.

Fatih Hancı, Ali Fuat Gökçe. 2016. Molecular Characterization of Turkish Onion Germplasm Using SSR Markers. Czech Journal of Breeding and Genetics. 52(2): 71-76.

Yıldız, M., E. Ekbiç, E. Düzyaman, S. Serçe, K. Abak 2016. Genetic and phenotypic variation of Turkish Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) accessions and their possible relationship with American, Indian and African germplasms. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. 25(3): 234–244.


Öztürk Z.N., Greiner S., Rausch T., 2015. Differential Expression of Soluble Pyrophosphatase Isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana upon External Stimuli. Turkish Journal of Botany. Doi: 10.3906/bot-1405-70.

Gurel F., Öztürk ZN., Ucarli C., Yoruk E., Poyraz N. 2015. Effect of two different water stress regimes on expressional patterns of drought responsive genes in contrasting barley cultivars. Plant Growth Regulators. Basıma kabul edildi.

Aksoy E., Demirel U., Öztürk Z.N., Çalışkan S., Çalışkan M.E. Recent advances in potato genomics, transcriptomics and transgenics under drought and heat stresses: A Review. Turkish Journal of Botany.

Demirel U., Tındaş I., Yavuz C., Baloch FS., Çalışkan M.E. 2015. Assessing genetic diversity and molecular characterization of potato genotypes located in Turkey using iPBS retrotransposon marker system. Potato Research, POTR-D-15-00043 (Under Review)

Demirel U., Çopur O., Gür A. 2015. Early stage screening for heat tolerance in cotton. Plant Breeding, PLBR-15-OA-204.R3 (Minor Revision)

Bakhsh A., Khabbazi SD., Baloch FS., Demirel U., Çalışkan M.E., Hatipoğlu R., Özcan S., Özkan H. 2015. Insect-resistant transgenic crops: retrospect and challenges. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (39): 531-548.

Bakhsh A and Hussain T. 2015. Engineering crop plants against abiotic stresses. Emirates journal of Food and Agriculture 27: 24-38

Gunduz, K., Serce, S, Hancock, J.F. 2015. Variation among highbush and rabbiteye cultivars for fruit quality and phytochemical characteristics. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 38:69-79


Öztürk ZN., Greiner S., Rausch T. 2014. Subcellular localization and developmental regulation of cytosolic, soluble pyrophosphatase isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana. Turkish Journal of Botany. 38:1036-1049.

Demirel, U., Gür, A., Can, N., Memon, AR. 2014. Identification of heat responsive genes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Biologia Plantarum 58(3): 515-523.

Ozel, A., Kosar, I., Erden, K., Demirel, U. 2014. Determination of the optimum seed amount and ınter-row spacing for the seed and essential oil yield of aniseed (Pimpinella anisum L.) Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 17(3): 405-414.

A Bakhsh, Anayol E, F Ozcan, 2014. Comparison of Transformation efficiency of five agrobacteriam strains in Nicotiana tobaccum”. Emeritus Journal of Food and Agriculture 26 (3): 259-264.

Hussain T, Bakhsh A, Munir B, Hassan S, Rao AQ, Shahid AA, Rashid B, Husnain T. 2014. Mendelian segregation pattern and expression studies of insecticidal gene (cry1Ac) in insect resistant cotton progeny. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 26: 706-715.

Bakhsh A, T Hussain. 2014. Engineering crop plants against abiotic stresses. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. Accepted (in press)

Torun, A.A., Y.A. Kaçar, N. Erdem, B. Biçen, S. Serçe. 2014. In vitro screening of octoploid Fragaria chiloensis and Fragaria virginiana genotypes against iron deficiency. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 38: 169-179.

Gunduz, K., Serce, S, Hancock, J.F. 2014. Variation among highbush and rabbiteye cultivars for fruit quality and phytochemical characteristics. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 


Çalışkan, S., Erdoğan, C., Arslan, M., Çalışkan, M.E., 2013. Comparison of organic and traditional production systems in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 18: 34-39.

Özdemir, E., N. Kaşka, K. Gündüz, S. Serçe. 2013. Effects of short day conditioning, chilling and GA3 treatments to yield and fruit quality in strawberry plug transplants aiming early fruit production. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 41: 263-268.

Özgen, M. S. Serçe, Y. Akça, J.H. Hong. 2013. Effect of Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE), a natural phospholipid, on pomological and phytochemical characteristics of sweet cherry ‘0900 Ziraat’. Hort. Env. Biotechn. Baskıda.

Torun, A., Y. Aka Kacar, N. Erdem, H. Erdem, S. Serçe. 2013. Determination of sensitivity of two strawberry species against iron deficiency. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 41: 560-566.

Gunduz, K., Saracoglu, O., Ozgen, M., Serce, S. 2013. Antioxidants and other physical and chemical characteristics of Cornelian cherry fruits (Cornus mas L.) at different ripeness stages. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 12: 59-66.

Erden, K., Ozel, A., Demirel, U., Kosar, I. 2013. Changes in yield, yield components and essential oil composition of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) under different seed amount and inter row spacing. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 19: 194-201

GA Khan, A Bakhsh , M Ghazanffar, S Riazuddin and T Husnain. 2013. “Field Evaluation of Transgenic Cotton Lines Harboring Insecticidal Gene (cry1Ab)”. Advances in Environmental Biology 7 (13): 4022-4027.

KS Bajwa, AA Shahid, AQ Rao, MS Kiani, MA Ashraf, AA Dahab, A Bakhsh, A Latif, MAU Khan, AN Puspito, A Aftab, A Bashir and T Husnain. 2013. Expression of Calotropis procera expansin gene CpEXPA3 enhances cotton fibre strength. Australian Journal of Crop Sciences 7: 206-212.

Khawar, KM, Onarici S, Ozel CA, Aasim M, Bakhsh A, Rao AQ. 2013. Plant Biotechnology. Scientific World Journal, DOI:10.1155/2013/736731.

B. Articles published in international refereed journals


Kara S D, Yildirim B Ş, Yildiz H, Tek A L (2021) “Geçmişten Günümüze Genetik ve Kromozom Mühendisliği Çalışmalarının Sürdürülebilir Tarım ve Bitki Islahına Katkısı” Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi - Doi: 10.29133/yyutbd.787094


Aksoy E., Yerlikaya B. A., Ayten S., Abudureyimu B. (2018), Iron Uptake Mechanisms from the Rhizosphere in Plants. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 6, no. 12: 1673-1683.

Dangol S. D., Naeem M., Azimi M. H., Yasmin A., Çalıskan M. E., Bakhsh A. (2018), Genetic Engineering of Solanum tuberosum L. to enhance resistance against abiotic stresses; A review. JOJ Scin 1: 555571

Hanci F., Gokce A. F. (2018), Path and Correlation Analysis in Turkish Onion Accessions for Soluble Solid Contents, Journal of Research in Agriculture and Animal Science 5:2 18-22

Ilk S., Sener M., Vural M., Serçe S. (2018), Chitosan/octadecylamine-montmorillonite nanocomposite containing Nigella arvensis extract as improved antimicrobial biofilm against foodborne pathogens.  Bionanoscience  8: 1014-1020.

Yeşilırmak F., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N., Metin B., Sayers Z. (2018), “Functional analysis of Triticum durum type 1 metallothionein gene (dMT) in response to varying levels of cadmium”, Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 2018, 23(1):140–147


A. BAKHSH, I.H GUL, A. MAQSOOD, S.H WU, C.H CHAN, Y.C. CHANG (2017), Effect of High Substrate Temperature on Morphology, Structural and Optical Properties of CdZnS Nanostructures, Materials Science Forum, Vol.No: 886, Sayfa: 24-31

 C. YAVUZ, Z. N. Öztürk (2017), Working with Proteins in silico: A Review of Online Available Tools for Basic Identification of Proteins, Turkish Journal of Agriculture -Food Science and Technology, Vol.No: 5(1), Sayfa 65-70

 A.K TÜRKMEN, C. YAVUZ, S.D DANGOL, C. TARIM, U. DEMİREL, M.E ÇALIŞKAN (2017), Evaluation of Micro Tuberization Performances of Different Genotypes, Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, Vol.No: 5(4), Sayfa: 353-357

 M.A.B ZIA, M. NAEEM, U. DEMIREL, M.E CALISKAN (2017), Next Generation Breeding in Potato, Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, Vol.No: 3(2) Sayfa: 1-33

M.E ÇALIŞKAN (2016), New Challenges In Potato Breeding To Cope With Climate Change: Dual Tolerance To Heat And Drought, Lucrari Ştiintifice, Vol.No: 59(2), Sayfa: 151-154


Bakhsh A., Anayol E., Türkmen A. K., Özcan S. 2016. The Effect Of Improvised Media And Gelling Agents On In Vitro Germination Of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum. L.). Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi. 20(3): 223-229.

Bakhsh A, Anayol E, Ozcan. 2016. An efficient and cost effective sterilizing method with least microbial contaminatıon and maximum germination ratio for in vitro cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.) culture. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 26: 868-873.

Barpete S, Bakhsh A, Anayol E, Özcan FS et al., 2016. Inducing osmotic stress leads to better genetic transformation efficiency in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Turkish Journal of Biology. DOI: 10.3906/biy-1509-16.

Day S, Aasim M, Bakhsh A. 2016. Effect of Preconditioning. Plant growth… Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 26: 294-300.

Saleem M, Gökçe A, Naqqash MN, Bakhsh A., 2016. An overview of biological control of economically important lepidopteron pests with parasitoids. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 4: 354-362.

Bakhsh A, Aasim M, Zia AB, Doğan M et al. 2016. First Report of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology. 4: 354-362.

Caner Yavuz, Z. Neslihan Öztürk. 2016. Working with protein in silico: A Review of Online Available Tools for Basic Identification of Protein. Turkish Journal of Agirculture- Food Science and Technology

Abdulhabip Özel, Ufuk Demirel, Kaan Erden, İslim Koşar, 2016. Changes in Yield, Yield Components and Linalool Composition of Coriander (Corriandrum sativum L.) Under Different Seed Amount and Row Spacing. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 7(2): 1060-1067.

Kamuran KAYA, Feza CAN CENGIZ, Mehmet Emin ÇALIŞKAN, Sevgi ÇALIŞKAN, 2016. The Lepidopteran pests of sweetpotato: First record of Helcystogramma triannulella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) with population development and natural enemies in Turkey. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi. 40(2) 149-156.


Serçe S. Özgen, M. 2015. “Turkish soft fruit production” Chronica Horticulturae. 55(3):16-20.


Serçe S. Özgen, M. 2015. “Turchia cresce la coltivazione e si adegua agli standard qualitativi europei” Fruittycultura. Mayıs 6: 32-34.


Ulubaş Serçe, Ç., Elçi, E., Öztürk, Z.N., Ayyaz, M., Bolat, V. 2015. Investigation of Newly-Emerging Grapevine Viruses in The Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. (poster) 18th Congress of the International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), 07-11.09.2015. Ankara, Türkiye


Mathey, M.M., S. Mookerjee, L. Mahoney, C.E. Finn, J.F. Hancock, S. Serçe, T. Davis, P. Stewart, V.M. Whitaker, A.R. Jamieson, N.V. Bassil, I. Amaya, B. Denoyes, K.E. Hummer, D. Sargent, E. van de Weg, A. Iezzoni. 2014. Using General and Specific Combining Ability to Further Advance Strawberry (Fragaria sp.) Breeding. Acta Horticulturae 1049: 193-200.


Çalışkan, S., Erdoğan, C., Arslan, M., Çalışkan, M.E., 2013. Comparison of organic and traditional production systems in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 18: 34-39. 

Alkan Torun, A., S. Serçe, Y. Aka Kacar, N. Erdem, H. Erdem, B. Bicen, I. Tolay. 2013. Determination of sensitivity of two strawberry species against iron deficiency. The Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11: 785-789. 

C. Papers Presented in International Scientific Meetings and Published in Proceedings


Şanli B A, Öztürk Gökçe Z N (2021) “Mysterious Impacts of Combined Stress on Plants” 4. International Congress on Agriculture, Environment and Health

Hossain M J, Joiya F A, Bakhsh A (2021) “Production of insect resistant transplastomic potato lines against colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata)” International Conference on Smart Plant Protection


Mehmet Emin ÇALIŞKAN, Ufuk DEMİREL, Sevgi ÇALIŞKAN, Ayten Kübra TÜRKMEN, Caner YAVUZ, Burak ŞEN, Murat NAM, Zahide Neslihan ÖZTÜRK GÖKÇE, (2019) Phenotypıng Of Dıverse Potato Genotypes Under Full And Defıcıt Irrıgatıon Condıtons. 4th Agronomy and Physiology Section Meeting of the European Association for Potato Research – EAPR A&P.

Mehmet Emin ÇALIŞKAN and Caner YAVUZ (2019) ‘‘Development of A New Hplc Method For Measurement Of Reducing Sugar Content In Potato By Usıng Amınopropyl Column’’ Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Fen ve Mühendislik Kongresi

Mehmet Emin ÇALIŞKAN, Ufuk DEMİREL, Muhammad NAEEM, Mete Kaan BÜLBÜL, Sevgi ÇALIŞKAN, (2019) “Effects of Drought Stress On Yield and Quality Of Potato Genotypes”. International Biological, Agricultural and Life Science Congress, 07-08 November 

Dangol S, Barakate A, Çalışkan M. E.  and Bakhsh A. (2019) “Elucidation of The Role of Potato Invertase Inhibitor Using Crispr-Cas9 Application”. Presented in The 1st PlantEd Conference, Plant Genome Editing-State of the Art Cost Action CA18111 (05-07 November 2019) organized by University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dangol S, Barakate A, Calışkan M. E. And Bakhsh A. (2019) ‘‘Knockdown of Potato Invertase Inhibitor gene by CRISPR/Cas9 based approach’’ Presented in 2019 SIVB meeting (07-12 June) Tampa, Florida, USA

Ahmet Latif TEK and Sevim Döndü KARA (2019) ‘‘Korunga (Onobrychis viciifolia) CenH3 Geninin Moleküler Klonlanması ve Genetik Polimorfizmi’’, Türkiye 13. Ulusal, 1. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 01-04 Kasım 2019, ANTALYA 

Begimay TAALAYBEK KIZI, Arslan ASIMAllah BAKHSH, Uful DEMİREL, (2019) Investigating miRNA Mediated Networking Against Drought Tolerance In Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 17-18 June 

Melis YALÇIN, Arslan ASIM, Emre AKSOY, Ufuk DEMİREL, Allah BAKHSH, Zahide Neslihan ÖZTÜRK GÖKÇE ‘‘Investigation of Function of Novel 105 miRNA in Potato Using Transgenic Approach’’ II. International Green Biotechnology Congress, 09 - 11 September 

İlhom RAHAMKULOV, Emre AKSOY, Allah BAKHSH (2019), ‘‘Activity of stress inducible rd29A promoter in transgenic potato under abiotic stress’’ Presented in II International Green Biotechnology Congress (09-11 September) Organized by Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. 

Emre AKSOY, Bayram Ali YERLiKAYA, (2019) ‘‘CRISPR/Cas9: Developments and Applications for Genome Editing in Plants’’, International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, Niğde 

Emre AKSOY, Amir MAQBOOL, Muhammad ABRAR, (2019) ‘‘Sulphur alleviates iron deficiency responses under high pH conditions’’ International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, Niğde 

Emre AKSOY, Amir MAQBOOL, Sevgi ÇALIŞKAN, (2019) ‘‘Analyses of Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Responses of Different Soybean (Glycine max. L.) Cultivars Under Iron Deficien’’ International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, Niğde

Ali Fuat GÖKÇE, Usman Khalid CHAUDHRY, (2019) ‘‘Influence of Drought and Salt Stress Regimes on Morphological, Physiological and Biochemical parameters in Allium Cepa L.’’ 1st International Conference on Research of Agricultural and Food Technologies, Adana

Allah BAKHSH, İlknur YEL, Betül Ayça DÖNMEZ, Sarbesh Das DANGOL, (2019) ‘‘Optimizing Genetic Manipulations in Diploid and Tetraploid Potatoes’’ 4th International Anatolian Agriculture, Food, Environment and Biology Congress, Afyonkarahisar

Naqqash M. N, BAKHSH A, GÖKÇE A (2019) ‘‘Silencing of some important genes leads to reduced fecundity and survival rates of Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera)’’ Presented in Ist International Molecular Plant Protection Congress on 10-13 April, Adana, Turkey

Allah BAKHSH (2019) ‘‘Transgenic approaches towards better insect pest management". Presented in international seminar on modern techniques to improve crop yields in changing climate’’ 4th April, 2019, Mansehra, Pakistan 


Dangol S. D., Çalışkan M. E., Bakhsh A. (2018), An insight into gene editing technologies and role of Crispr in plant improvement. Presented in CRISPR 2018 International Congress on 10-14 September, Novosibirk, Russia.

Bakhsh A., Hussain T., Aasim M., Pirlak U., Aksoy E., Caliskan M. E. (2018), Development of Transgenic Potato Lines Expressing Ecdysone Receptor Gene of Colorado Potato Beetle. Presented in 2018 SIVB meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Bakhsh A., Hussain T., Rahamkulov I., Aasim M., Pirlak U., Aksoy E., Caliskan M. E. (2018), Plant Mediated RNAi Strategy To Induce Insect Resistance in Transgenic Potato Lines. Presented as oral presentation at International Agricultural Conference on 09-12 May, Van, Turkey.

Bakhsh A., Sumer S., Rahamkulov I., Hussain T., Demirel U., Caliskan M. E. (2018), Development of Glyphosate Tolerant Potato lines Expressing Mutant Version of EPSP Synthase. Presented as oral presentation at International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress on 25-27 April, Konya, Turkey

Dangol S. D., Caliskan M. E., Bakhsh A. (2018), Various Gene Editing Strategies and Developments Based on CRISPR Technologies in Plants. Presented as oral presentation at International Agricultural Conference on 09-12 May, Van, Turkey.

Hossain J., Aksoy E., Gokce Z. N. O., Bakhsh A. (2018), Production of Transplastomic Insect Resistant Plants; A way towards Better Integrated Pest Management. Presented as poster presentation at International Agricultural Conference on 09-12 May, Van, Turkey.

Yildiz K., Cırık N., Bakhsh A. (2018), Determination of callus induction competency from different explants of water melon (Citrullus lanatus). Turkey 6th Seed Congress with International Participation 10-13th September. 208-212.

Aksoy E., December 19-21, 2018, Transition from Basic to Applied Science in Understanding of Biofortification and Phytoremediation in Plants, 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, S1.

Aksoy E., Şahin A., Maqbool A., Çalışkan S. (2018), “In silico Identification and Characterization of Potential Molecular Markers Related with Iron Deficiency Tolerance in Soybean” International Agricultural Science Congress, May 9-12, 2018, Van, Turkey, S19.

Aksoy E., Maqbool A., Çalışkan S. (2018), “Soybean Breeding Program Concentrating on Seed Iron Content” International Agricultural Science Congress, May 9-12, 2018, Van, Turkey, S559.

Maqbool A., Aksoy E., Çalışkan S. (2018), “Analyses of Some Molecular Responses of Some Local Soybean Varieties under Iron Deficiency” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S249.

Tindaş İ., Yavuz C., Maqbool A., Jameel S., Aksoy E. (2018), “In silico Analyses of Calmodulin-Binding Transcription Activators (CAMTAs) in Arabidopsis thaliana” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S146.

Yağız A. K., Yavuz C., Ünel M., Aksoy E., Baloğlu M. C. (2018), “Genome-wide Identification, in silico Characterization of GATA Transcription Factor Family in Potato and Tomato, and Expression Analysis Under Drought and Light Stresses” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S145.

Yerlikaya B. A., Ayten S., Aksoy E., Özgür Kıvılcıl Kılınç Ö. K. (2018), “İki Farklı Kinoa Çeşidinin Orta ve Yüksek Şiddette Kuraklık Stresine Karşı Vermiş Oldukları Moleküler Tepkiler” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S248.

Yerlikaya B. A., Ayten S., Aksoy E. (2018), “Bitkilerde Rizosferden Demir Alım Mekanizmaları” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S250.

Abudureyimu B., Aksoy E. (2018), “CPL1, Bitki Tuz Toleransının Önemli Bir Regülatörüdür” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S249.

Abudureyimu B., Aksoy E. (2018), “CPL1 SOS Yolağı ile Genetik Etkileşime Girerek Tuz Toleransını Kontrol Eder” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S251.

Alagöz G., Aksoy E. (2018), “The effect of chitosan on iron deficiency in sensitive and tolerant soybean varieties” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S252.

Ayten S., Yerlikaya B. A., Aksoy E., Kılınç Ö. K. (2018), “Molecular Responses of Two Quinoa Genotypes Under Salt Stress” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S153.

Ayten S., Yerlikaya B. A., Aksoy E. (2018), “Bitkilerde Hücre İçi Demir Dağıtım Mekanizmaları” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S254.

Akbaş Ş., Aksoy E. (2018), “Development of a New Method to Detect Iron Localization in Soybean Seed and Embryo” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S232.

Akbaş Ş., Aksoy E., Çalışkan S. (2018), “Determination of Physiological and Biochemical Changes in Soybean Varieties Exposed to Short-term Iron Deficiency”  8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S256.

Taşpınar Ş., Mamedova S., Aksoy E., Kılınç Ö. K. (2018), “Amaranthaceae Ailesindeki Üç Türün Demir Eksikliğine Vermiş Oldukları Tepkiler”  8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S257.

Taşpınar Ş., Aksoy E., Kılınç Ç. K. (2018), “Kinoa Çeşitlerinin Demir Eksikliğine Karşı Göstermiş Oldukları Fizyolojik ve Biyokimyasal Tepkiler”  8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S258.

Ergin Y. H., Aksoy E. (2018), “CRISPR-CAS Teknolojisinin Abiyotik Stres Toleransındaki Kullanımı” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S147.

Ergin Y. H., Aksoy E. (2018),  “Demirin kök ve gövde arasında taşınmasından sorumlu sinyalizasyonun incelenmesi” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S148.

Tereci Y. Ş., Ağrı H., Aksoy E., Çalışkan S., Bakhsh A., Demirel U., Çalışkan M. E. (2018), “Demir İçeriği Artırılmış Patates Islah Hatlarının Seleksiyonu İçin Hızlı ve Güvenilir Biyoteknolojik Bir Tarama Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S259.

Tereci Y. Ş., Aksoy E., Çalışkan S., Bakhsh A., Demirel U., Çalışkan M. E. (2018), “Farklı Patates Genotiplerinin Demir Eksikliğine Vermiş Oldukları Fizyolojik Tepkilerin Arazide Belirlenmesi” 8th Agriculture Student Congress with International Participation, April 27-29, 2018, Niğde, Turkey, S260.

Hancı F. , Gökçe A. F. (2018), Comparison of Different Methods to Determination of Bulb Dry Skin Color in Onion. 1st International GAP Agriculture and Livestock Congress, 25-27 April 2018 Şanlıurfa-Turkey p 38-45

Ulubaş Serçe Ç., Doğaner M. M., Altan B., Önder S., Çifçi O., Elçi E., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N. (2018), “Occurrence of Grapevine Roditis leaf discoloration-associated virus in Mediterranean Commercial Vineyards in Turkey”, 19th Conference of the International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), 9-12 April, 2018, Santiago, Chile.

Ulubaş Serçe Ç., Önder S., Çifçi O., Altan B., Elçi E., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N., “Grapevine Syrah virus-1 and Grapevine Pinot gris virus prevalence and variability in Turkish Grape Varieties”, 19th Conference of the International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), 9-12 April, 2018, Santiago, Chile.

Önder S., Ulubaş Serçe Ç., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N. (2018), “Deep Sequencing of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Narince for Diagnosis of Viral Agents”, International Agricultural Science Congress, 9-12 May 2018, Van, Turkey.

Önder S., Ulubaş Serçe Ç., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N., Olmos A. (2018), “Complete Sequence and Molecular Characterization of a Turkish Grapevine Pinot gris virus Isolate”, Power of Viruses, 16-18 May 2018, Porec, Croatia.

Jameel S., Demirel U., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N. (2018), “Testing Promising Genes for Pre-selection for Drought Tolerance in Potato”, 30th International Horticultural Congress, S19- Root and Tuber Crops: Value Added Crops for the Next Generation (2nd International Symposium), p:5, 12-17 August 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.

Tındaş Çaylı İ., Joyia A., Demirel U., Çalışkan M. E., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N. (2018), “Expression analysis of transgenic potato plants over-expressing stress responsive miRNAs”, 30th International Horticultural Congress, S19- Root and Tuber Crops: Value Added Crops for the Next Generation (2nd International Symposium), p:6, 12-17 August 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.

Gökçe A. F.., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N., Beşirli G., Ünlü M., Çelebi Toprak F., Kemikler N., Dinç İ., Sönmez İ., Aras V., Polat Z., Alan A. R., Hancı F., Karaşahin Z., Şimşek M., Gündüz O., Yıldırım K. C., Nacar Ç., Tekin S. (2018), “A Large Scale Onion (Allium cepa L.) Breeding Project with Several Approaches”, 30th International Horticultural Congress, S19- Root and Tuber Crops: Value Added Crops for the Next Generation (2nd International Symposium), p:28, 12-17 August 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.

Önder S., Ulubaş Serçe Ç., Özturk Gökçe Z. N., Olmos A. (2018), “Comparison of Different De novo Assembly Tools for Perceiving the Success of Grapevine Viruses and Viroids Detection in Next Generation Sequencing Data via Blastn”, 30th International Horticultural Congress, S28- Innovative Plant Protection in Horticulture (2nd International Symposium), p:30-31, 12-17 August 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ulubaş Serçe Ç., Önder S., Çifçi O., Altan B., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N., Elçi E. (2018), “The research on the prevalence of several newly identified grapevine infecting viruses in Turkey”, 30th International Horticultural Congress, S28- Innovative Plant Protection in Horticulture (2nd International Symposium), 12-17 August 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.

Önder S., Ulubaş Serçe Ç., Öztürk Gökçe Z. N., Olmos A. (2018), Comparison of Using Total RNA and SiRNA Templates in Next Generation Sequencing for Achievement of Grapevine Viruses and Viroids Detection”, Final Meeting of  COST-DIVAS Action, 26-30 November 2018, Liège, Belgium.

Demirel U., Bülbül M. K., Truberg B., Çalışkan S., Muders K., Çalışkan M. E. (2018), Assement of Potato Genotypes for Yield Stability in Turkey and Germany. 19th Joint Meeting of EAPR Section ‘Breeding and Variatial Assessment’ and the EUCARPIA section ‘Potatoes’. Rostock-Warnemuende-GERMANY.

Bülbül M. K., Demir L. T., Demirel U., Çalışkan M. E. (2018), Selection of WART (Synchytrium endobioticum) Resistant Potato Lines in Naturally Infected Soils in Turkey. Assement of Potato Genotypes for Yield Stability in Turkey and Germany. 19th Joint Meeting of EAPR Section ‘Breeding and Variatial Assessment’ and the EUCARPIA section ‘Potatoes’. Rostock-Warnemuende-GERMANY.

Demirel S., Demirel U., Memon A. (2018), Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals from Aquatic and Soil Environment. IVSS 2018 International Vocational Science Symposium. Antalya-TURKEY.

Cağlı, A., Çalışkan, M.E. (2018), Bazı patates çeşitlerinin yüksek sıcaklığa toleranslarının in vitro koşullarda belirlenmesi. Uluslararası Katılımlı Türkiye 6. Tohumculuk Kongresi, 10-13 Eylül 2018, Niğde, s. 65-71.

Çalışkan, S., Aytekin, R.İ, Yavuz, C., Yağız, A.K., Çalışkan, M.E. (2018), Patateste klasik ve aerofonik sistemde üretilen farklı irilikteki mini yumruların tarla koşullarında büyüme ve verim performanslarının karşılaştırılması. Uluslararası Katılımlı Türkiye 6. Tohumculuk Kongresi, 10-13 Eylül 2018, Niğde, s. 31-38.

Yağız, A.K., Çalışkan, M.E. (2018), Titanyum Dioksit (TiO2) nanopartiküllerinin mısır (Zea mays) tohumlarının çimlenmesine ve bitki gelişimine etkisi. Uluslararası Katılımlı Türkiye 6. Tohumculuk Kongresi, 10-13 Eylül 2018, Niğde, s. 225-232.

Arıoğlu H. H., Bakal H., Zaimoğlu Onat B., Güllüoğlu L., Çalışkan M.E. (2018), The determination of tuber yield and some agronomic chracteristics of potato breeding lines and varieties grown in winter season in Cukurova region. 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies, 30 Kasım-2 Aralık 2018, Samsun, s. 650-653.


 M. NAEEM, C. YAVUZ, A.K YAĞIZ, H. AĞRI, S. ÇALIŞKAN, M.E ÇALIŞKAN (2017), Effect of genotypes, temperature, pollen viability and time of the day on fruit setting/berry formation in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), III. International Plant Breeding Congress, Sayfa: 47

 İ.T. ÇAYLI, Z.N.Ö GÖKÇE, M.E Çalışkan, U. Demirel (2017), The role of stu-miR398 in expression of superoxide dismutase gene in potato under drought conditions, III. International Plant Breeding Congress, Sayfa: 54

 M.A.B ZİA, U. DEMİREL, M.E ÇALIŞKAN (2017), Association mapping of some agronomic and morphological traits of potato, III. International Plant Breeding Congress, Sayfa: 33


Ayten Kübra TÜRKMEN  , Tolga DINÇ , Sevgi ÇALIŞKAN, Mehmet Emin ÇALIŞKAN, 2016. Growth and Mini-tuber Production Performances of Potato Genotypes, 3rd Meeting of the Section of Agronomy and Physiology of EAPR.

Mehmet Emin ÇALIŞKAN  , Sevgi ÇALIŞKAN , Caner YAVUZ , Ayten Kübra TÜRKMEN. (2016), Comparision of Aeroponic and Conventional Mini-tuber Production Systems, 3rd Meeting of the Section of Agronomy and Physiology of EAPR.

Ayten Kübra Türkmen, Sevgi Çalışkan, 2016. Recent Molecular Studies on Downy Mildew Disease , 19 th International Sunflower Conference.

Aasim M, Bakhsh A, Baloch FS, Day S,     Preconditioning of Explants, A Tool For Enhancing In Vitro Shoot Regneration of Legumes       5th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress, August 25-29, Skopje, Macedonia.

Tindas İ., Aksoy E., Caliskan S., 2016. Molecular Studies involved in sunflower responses in drought stress,      19. Uluslararası Ayçiçeği Kongresi, 29 Mayıs- 3 Haziran, 2016, Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne, Türkiye.

Caliskan S.,Tindas İ., Aytekin R. İ., 2016. Molecular Studıes Of Sunflower Responses To Abiotıc Stresses,            19. Uluslararası Ayçiçeği Kongresi, 29 Mayıs- 3 Haziran, 2016, Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne, Türkiye.

Ufuk Demirel, Atilla Gür, Osman Çopur, 2016.    Classification of heat tolerant cotton genotypes by using combination of correlation and principle component analysis     Agrosym 2016 (6-9 Ekim 2016, Jahorina, Bosna-Hersek).

Mehmet Emin Çalışkan, Sarbesh Das Dangol, 2016. Genetic Engineering Studies in Sunflower 19th International  Sunflower Conferance.

H. Halis Arıoğlu, Leyla Güllüoğlu, Halil Bakal, Mehmet Emin Çalışkan, 2016.                The Determination of Tuber Yield and Some Agronomic and Quality Chracteristics of Potato Varieties Grown in Winter Season in Mediterranean Region 3rd meeting of the Section of Agronomy and Physiology of EAPR, Riga, Letonya.

Mehmet Emin Çalışkan, 2016. New Challenges in Potato Breeding to Cope with Climate Change: Dual Tolerance to Heat and Drought         Climatic changes, a permanent challenge for agricultural research on potato, sugar beet, cereals and medicinal plants, Brasov, Romanya.

Mehmet Emin Çalışkan, 2016. The Success Story of Dogˆa Seed on Reducing Post-Harvest Losses         8th Meeting of the COMCEC Agriculture Working Group.

Emre Aksoy. 2016. Soybean: A New Frontier in Understanding the Iron Deficiency Tolerance Mechanisms in Plants 18th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interaction in Plants.

Emre Aksoy, 2016. Application of Sulfur and Sulfur Metabolites Enhance Iron Deficiency Tolerance in Arabidopsis 18th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interaction in Plants.

İlknur Tindaş, Emre Aksoy, Sevgi Çalışkan, 2016. Molecular Studies of Resistance Mechanisms in Sunflower against Orobanche cumana Wallr.             19th International Sunflower Conference.


Öztürk Z.N. “A Transcriptome Perspective of Drought Stress in the New Technologies Era”, 1st International Conference on Environment & Biosciences, Pakistan, 2015. 

Serçe Ç.U., Elçi E., Öztürk Z.N., Ayyaz M., Bolat N. “Investigation of newly-emerging grapevine viruses in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey”, 18th Congress of the International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), 7-11 Eylül, 2015, Ankara, Türkiye, sayfa 182. 

Emre Aksoy “The Interaction between Iron and Sulfur Metabolisms is Controlled by an RNA Metabolism Regulator, CPL1, in Plants” Green Biotechnology Workshop, 21-23 Eylül, 2015, Kaynarca, İzmit. 

Emre Aksoy “An RNA Metabolism Regulator CPL1 Regulates Plant Responses to Cadmium Toxicity by Enhancing the Sulfur Metabolism” Green Biotechnology Workshop, 21-23 Eylül, 2015, Kaynarca, İzmit. 


Ünlenen, L.A., Çalışkan, M.E., 2014. Screening some potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to potato wart disease under field conditions. 19th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research, 6-11 July 2014, Brüksel, Belçika. 

S. Ozcan, E Anayo, A. Bakhsh, Gurbuz B, S. Onarıcı, M. Aasım, S. F. Ozcan etc 2014. Elimination of Unnecessary Protein Production of Transgenes in Transgenic Plants. Joint Meeting of the Society for In Vitro Biology and the Society for Cryobiology, May31- Jun4, Savannah, Georgia. USA. 

Mathey, M.M., S. Mookerjee, L. Mahoney, C.E. Finn, J.F. Hancock, S. Serçe, T. Davis, P. Stewart, V.M. Whitaker, A.R. Jamieson, N.V. Bassil, I. Amaya, B. Denoyes, K.E. Hummer, D. Sargent, E. van de Weg, A. Iezzoni. 2014. Using General and Specific Combining Ability to Further Advance Strawberry (Fragaria sp.) Breeding. Acta Horticulturae 1049: 193-200. 


Çalışkan, M.E., Andeden, E.E., Serçe, S., 2013. Screening of some potato cultivars using molecular markers for resistance to wart disease and PVY. The 17th Joint Meeting of EAPR Breeding and Varietal Assessment Section and EUCARPIA Section Potatoes Hévíz, Hungary, June 30 – July 4, 2013. 

Çalışkan, M.E., Polgar, Z., Çalışkan, S., Vaszily, Z., Cernak, I., 2013. The effect of heat stress on growth and yield parameters of potato cultivars. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Agronomy and Physiology of Potato (Ed. Helena Souckova), 15-19 September 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 14 (özet olarak basılmıştır). 

Çalışkan, M.E., Karahan, Y., Bülbül, M.K., Serçe, S., 2013. An outlook to a private potato breeding program in Turkey. International Plant Breeding Congress, 10-14 November 2013, Antalya, Turkey. 

Bülbül, M.K., Çalışkan, M.E., 2013. Determination of reliable selection criteria for early generations in potato breeding. International Plant Breeding Congress, 10-14 November 2013, Antalya, Turkey. 

Gökçe, A.F., 2013. Long Term Onion Breeding Program in Turkey. International Plant Breeding Congress, 10-14 November 2013, Antalya, Turkey. 

D. Books or chapters published as international books


Chaudhry U K, Junaid M D, Gökçe A F (2021) “Developing Climate-Resilient Crops Improving Global Food Security and Safety” Chapter: Influence of Environmental Adversities on Physiological Changes in Plants - Publisher:CRC Press - Vol:1 - Page:254 - ISBN:9781003109037 - (Chapter pages:85 – 110)

Gökçe A F, Chaudhry U K, Junaid M D (2021) “Developing Climate-Resilient Crops Improving Global Food Security and Safety”  Chapter:Mapping QTLs for Abiotic Stress - Publisher:CRC Press - Vol:1 - Page:254 - ISBN:9781003109037 - (Chapter pages:175 - 201)

Junaid M D, Chaudhry U K, Gökçe A F (2021) “Climate Change and Plants: Biodiversity, Growth and Interactions” Chapter:Climate Change and Plant Growth–South Asian Perspective - Publisher:CRC Press - Basım Sayısı:1 - Page:226 - ISBN:1000379787 - (Chapter pages:37 - 54) 

Bakhsh A, Sirel I A, Kaya R B, Ataman I H, Tillaboeva S, Dönmez B A, Yeşil B, Yel I, Tekinsoy Me, Duru E (2021) “Policy Issues in Genetically Modified Crop, A Global Perspective” Chapter:Contribution of Genetically Modified Crops in Agricultural Production: Success Stories -Publisher:Elsevier - Vol:1 - Page:578 - ISBN:9780128209455

Maqbool A, Bakhsh A, Aksoy E (2021) “Wild Germplasm for Genetic Improvement in Crop Plants” Chapter:Effects of Natural Variations on Biofortification - Publisher:Elsevier - Vol:1 - Page:25 - ISBN:9780128221372


M. Aasim, K.M. Khawar, M. Karataş, F.S. Bloch, A. Bakhsh (2019) “An Insight to Micropropagation of Freshwater Aquatic Medicinal Plants”. Plant and Human Health, Volume 2. Springer 


Aasim M., Baloch F.S., Nadeem M.A., Bakhsh A., Sameeullah M., Day S. (2018), Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.): An Underutilized Edible Plant of Modern World. In: Ozturk M., Hakeem K., Ashraf M., Ahmad M. (eds) Global Perspectives on Underutilized Crops. Springer, Cham

Aasim M., Bakhsh A., Sameeullah M., Karataş M., Khawar K.M. (2018) Aquatic Plants as Human Food. In: Ozturk M., Hakeem K., Ashraf M., Ahmad M. (eds) Global Perspectives on Underutilized Crops. Springer, Cham

Aasim M, Baloch FS, Bakhsh A, Sameeullah M, Khawar KM (2018). Biotechnological approaches for genetic improvement of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum L.). In Kumar N (ed) Biotechnological Approaches for Medical and Aromatic plants. © Springer Nature Singapore

Aasim M, Sameeullah M, Bakhsh A, Sivinç C, Day S, Khawar KM (2018). Plant Tissue Culture and Genetic Transformation Studies of Poor Man Crop Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.). In Nikolic Ba (ed) Cowpea Research Progress and Management Challenges. © 2018 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-53614-282-2

Gökçe A.F. (2018), Classical Genetics on Gene Mapping. In: Shigyo M., Khar A., Abdelrahman M. (eds) The Allium Genomes. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham, pp 53-66 DOI


Gürel F., Öztürk Z.N., Uçarlı C., Plant Omics: Trends and Applications           Transcriptomic Responses of Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) to Drought and Salinity, 159-188,       2016, Springer.

Bakhsh A, Baloch FS, Hatipoğlu R, Özkan H, Handbook of Vegetable Preservation and Processing, 2nd Edition Use of genetic engineering: benefits and health concerns, 81–112, 2016.

Peterson, A.B., R.G. Stevens (Çevirenler: N. Kaşka, S.Serçe), Meyve Ağaçlarının Beslenmesi, 2016

Serçe, S., M. Özgen     Chinese Dates A Traditional Functional Food               Physical, Chemical, and Antioxidant Properties of Jujube Fruits from Turkey         , 199-205, 2016, CRC Press.

E. Articles published in national refereed journals


Yildiz H, Yildirim B Ş, Kara S D, Tek A L (2021) “Bitki kromozomlarında sentromerlerin önemi, moleküler yapısı ve organizasyonu” International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences - Doi: 10.7240/jeps.834978


A. Bakhsh, S. Sümer, I. Rahamkulov, U. Demirel, M. E. Çalişkan (2019) “Herbisite Dayanıklılık Geni  CP4 EPSP Sentez  Içeren Transgenik Patates Hatlarının Geliştirilmesi” Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 35–43 

B. Abudureyimu and  E. Aksoy (2019)  “Comparison of the Sensitivity of Arabidopsis SOS Pathway Mutants under Salt Stress,” Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 1982–1989 

B. Ödemiş, D. Büyüktaş, M. E. Çalışkan, (2019) “Effects of saline irrigation water and proline applications on yield vegetative and physiological characteristics of potato crop  Solanum tuberosum L  ,” Derim, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 54–63

F. E. Karaat, S. Serçe (2019) “Total Phenolics Antioxidant Capacities and Pomological Characteristics of 12 Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkey,” Adıyaman Üniversitesi Tarımsal Uygulama ve Arazi Yönetimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 46–60 

S. Sümer, İ. Rahamkulov, U. Demirel, M. E. ÇalIşkan, A. Bakhsh, (2019) “Herbisite Dayaniklılık Geni  CP4 EPSP Sentez İçeren Transgenik Patates Hatlarının Geliştirilmesi,” Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 35–43


İlknur Tındaş, Ufuk Demirel, 2016. Patatesin Kısa Süreli Kuraklık Uygulamasına Fizyolojik Tepkileri, Türk Tarım-Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi. 4(7)618-627.


Öztürk Z.N., 2015. Bitkilerin Kuraklık Stresine Tepkilerinde Bilinenler ve Yeni Yaklaşımlar. Turkish Journal of Agriculture – Food Science and Technology. 3: 307-315. 


Gündüz, K., E. Özdemir, S. Serçe. 2013. Bazı böğürtlen çeşitlerinde budamanın verim ve meyve kalite özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri. Meyve Bilimi 1: 6-11. 


Yücel, E., Çalışkan, M.E., 2012. Bazı Patates Islah Hatlarının Meristem Kültürü ve Boğum Kültürüne Tepkileri. M.K.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2):115-123. 

F. Papers presented in national scientific meetings and published in proceedings


Şanli B A, Öztürk Gökçe Z N (2021) “Evaluation of Some Physiological and Morphological Parameters Under Individual and Combined Abiotic Stresses in Potato” 3. Bitki Islahi Ve Genetiği Öğrenci Kongresi


A. Bakhsh, S. Sümer, I. Rahamkulov, U. Demirel, M. E. Çalişkan (2019) “Herbisite Dayanıklılık Geni  CP4 EPSP Sentez  Içeren Transgenik Patates Hatlarının Geliştirilmesi” Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 35–43 

B. Abudureyimu and  E. Aksoy (2019)  “Comparison of the Sensitivity of Arabidopsis SOS Pathway Mutants under Salt Stress,” Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 1982–1989 

B. Ödemiş, D. Büyüktaş, M. E. Çalışkan, (2019) “Effects of saline irrigation water and proline applications on yield vegetative and physiological characteristics of potato crop  Solanum tuberosum L  ,” Derim, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 54–63

F. E. Karaat, S. Serçe (2019) “Total Phenolics Antioxidant Capacities and Pomological Characteristics of 12 Apricot Cultivars Grown in Turkey,” Adıyaman Üniversitesi Tarımsal Uygulama ve Arazi Yönetimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 46–60 

S. Sümer, İ. Rahamkulov, U. Demirel, M. E. ÇalIşkan, A. Bakhsh, (2019) “Herbisite Dayaniklılık Geni  CP4 EPSP Sentez İçeren Transgenik Patates Hatlarının Geliştirilmesi,” Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 35–43


U. DEMİREL, İ.T ÇAYLI, B.K TAALAYBEK, A. ARSLAN, E. KAPLAN, H.M AZIMI, S. JAMEL, C. YAVUZ, S. ÇALIŞKAN, Z.N.Ö GÖKÇE, E. AKSOY, W. MORRIS, M.E ÇALIŞKAN (2017), Patateste Çoklu Abiyotik Strese Toleranstan Sorumlu Fizyolojik Karakterlerin Araştırılması. 12.Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi

I.2 M.E ÇALIŞKAN, K.M BÜLBÜL, L. DEMIR, A. BAKHSH, U. DEMİREL (2017), Patates Y Virüsü ve Patates Siğiline Dayanıklı Yerli Patates Çeşitlerinin Islahı, 12.Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi


Erdoğru S.N., Yavuz C., Öztürk Z.N. “Biyoinformatik uygulamaların tarımsal çalışmalarda kullanımı”, İç Anadolu Bölgesi 2. Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, 28-20 Nisan 2015, Nevşehir, Türkiye, sayfa 661. 

Erdogdu, S. N., Yavuz, C., Ustuntas, E., Caliskan, S. İç Anadolu Bölgesi'nde sıcaklık artışının buğday ve patates verimi üzerine etkisi. İç Anadolu Bölgesi 2. Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi. 28-30 Nisan 2015. Nevşehir, Türkiye. 

Yavuz, C., Tindas, İ., Demirel, U., Caliskan, M. E. Patateste akrilamit konsantrasyonunun genetik ve çevresel faktörler açısından değerlendirilmesi. İç Anadolu Bölgesi 2. Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi. 28-30 Nisan 2015. Nevşehir, Türkiye. 

Emre Aksoy “Fonksiyonel Gıdaların İlk Basamağı: Arabidopsis Tohumlarının Biyofortifikasyonu” Türkiye Doğal Beslenme ve Yaşam Boyu Sağlık Zirvesi 2015, 21-23 Mayıs, 2015, Sapanca, Sakarya. 

Emre Aksoy “RNA Metabolizma Düzenleyicisi CPL1 Sülfür Metabolizmasını Etkileyerek Bitkilerin Kadmiyum Toksisitesine Olan Yanıtlarını Kontrol Eder” 4. Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 21-24 Ağustos, 2015, Afyon. 

Emre Aksoy “RNA Metabolizma Düzenleyicisi CPL1 Sülfür Metabolizmasını Etkileyerek Bitkilerin Demir Eksikliğine Karşı Tepkilerini Kontrol Eder” 4. Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 21-24 Ağustos, 2015, Afyon. 

Ahmet Şahin, Mehmet Emin Çalışkan, Emre Aksoy “Moleküler Islah Yöntemiyle Yüksek Miktarda Demir İçeren ve Verimi Artırılmış Patates Hatlarının Geliştirilmesi” 4. Ulusal Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 21-24 Ağustos, 2015, Afyon. 

Tındaş İ., Yavuz C., Dinç T., Yalım T., Demirel U., Öztürk Z.N. “Farklı patates çeşitlerinin kuraklığa tepkilerinin fizyolojik karşılaştırılması”, 11. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 7-10 Eylül 2015, Çanakkale, Türkiye, sayfa 67. 

Bakhsh A., Dinç T., Zia M.A.B., Hussain T., Demirel U., Çalışkan M.E. 2015. Gene Pyramiding Strategy to Develop Broad Spectrum Insect-Resistant Tobacco Cultivars. 11. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, Çanakkale, Turkiye. 

Çalışkan M.E., Söğüt T., Demirel U., Arıoğlu H. 2015. Nişasta Ve Şeker Bitkileri Üretiminde Değişimler Ve Yeni Arayışlar. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VIII. Teknik Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye. 


Gökçe, A.F., Tekeli, F.Ö., Çatal, Ö.F., Erdoğdu, S.N., Kemikler, N., Odabaş, İ., 2014. “Molaküler Markır Yardımı ile Seleksiyon Yapılarak Türkiye’de Geliştirilen İlk Hibrit Soğan Çeşitleri”, 10. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 2-4 Eylül 2014, Tekirdağ. 

Gökçe, A.F., Erdoğdu, S.N., Tekeli, F.Ö., 2014. “Yerel Soğan (Allium cepa L.) Çeşitlerinde Moleküler Markır İle Çekirdek Ms Lokusu Bağlantı Eşitsizliğinin Belirlenmesi”, Türkiye 5. Uluslar Arası Katılımlı Tohumculuk Kongresi, 19-23 Ekim 2014, Diyarbakır. 

Gökçe, A.F., Tekeli, F.Ö., Erdoğdu, S.N., 2014. “Türkiye’de Geliştirilen Hibrit Soğan Çeşitlerinin Standart Çeşitlere Göre Üstünlüğü” Türkiye 5. Uluslar Arası Katılımlı Tohumculuk Kongresi, 19-23 Ekim 2014, Diyarbakır. 

Gökçe, A.F., Tekeli, F.Ö., Çatal, Ö.F., Erdoğdu, S.N., Kemikler, N., Odabaş, İ., 2014. “Türkiye'deki Yerli Soğanlarda (Allium cepa L.)Uzun Süreli Hibrit Çeşit Islah Çalışmaları ve Kazanımları”, 2. KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Semposyumu, 23-24 Ekim 2014, Niğde. 

Gökçe, A.F., Özokutanoğlu, E., Kemikler, N., Odabaş, İ., 2014. “Molaküler Markır Yardımı ile Yerel Soğan (Allium cepa L.) Çeşitlerinde ve Islah Edilen Saf Hatlarda Sitoplazma ve Çekirdek Ms Lokusu ile Bağlantı Eşitsizliğinin Belirlenmesi” 10. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 2-4 Eylül 2014, Tekirdağ. 

Gökçe, A.F., Candar, A., Kemikler, N., Odabaş, İ., 2014. “Soğan (Allium cepa L.) Tohumu Üretiminde Kullanılan Baş Soğanların Farklı Dikim Sistemlerinin Tohum Verimine Etkileri” 10. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 2-4 Eylül 2014, Tekirdağ. 

Beşirli, G., Sönmez, İ., Gökçe, A.F., Tatar, İ., Ulucan, Ş., “Türkiye Şalot Soğanı (Allium capa var. ascalonicum Backer) Üretim Potansiyeli” 10. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, 2-4 Eylül 2014, Tekirdağ. 

Öztürk Z.N., Demirel U. Çalışkan M.E. “Kuraklık Stresi: Geldiğimiz Nokta, Gideceğimiz Rota”. II. KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 23-24 Ekim 2014, Niğde. II. KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitapçığı, sayfa 126. 

Çalışkan M.E., Demirel U., Öztürk Z.N. “Küresel Isınma Beklentileri Doğrultusunda KOP Bölgesinde Patates Üretiminin Mevcut Durumu ve Geleceği”. II. KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 23-24 Ekim 2014, Niğde. II. KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitapçığı, sayfa 152. 

Serçe, S., M. Özgen. 2014. KOP Bölgesinin üzümsü meyveler yetiştiriciliği ve potansiyeli. II. KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 23-24 Ekim 2014, Niğde. 

Özgen, M., S. Serçe. 2014. KOP Bölgesinde entansif meyve yetiştiriciliği ve potansiyeli. II. KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 23-24 Ekim 2014, Niğde. 


Çalışkan, M.E., Çalışkan, S., Demirel, U., Polgar, Z.,2013. Bazı patates çeşitlerinin ana ürün ve turfande üretim koşullarındaki performanslarının karşılaştırılması. Türkiye X. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 10-13 Eylül Konya. 

Çalışkan, M.E., 2013. Patates tarımında güncel gelişmeler. 1. Orta Anadolu Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, 2-4 Ekim 2013, Niğde. 


Demirsoy,L., A. Öztürk, S. Serçe. 2012. Çileklerde (Fragaria) çiçeklenme ile fotoperiyot arasındaki ilişkiler. Anadolu Tar. Bil. Der. 27: 110-119. 

Gündüz, K., E. Özdemir, S. Serçe. 2013. Bazı böğürtlen çeşitlerinde budamanın verim ve meyve kalite özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri. 

G. Books or chapters published as national books

Çalışkan S., Demirel U. (2018), Sulama, (editör Prof.Dr. Fikret Akınerdem) Patates Tarımı, Tarım Gündem Dergisi Yayınları, ISBN: 978-605-68655-0-3, s. 56-65.

Çalışkan, M.E. (2018), Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Patatesin Önemi ve Üretimi. (editör Prof.Dr. Fikret Akınerdem) Patates Tarımı, Tarım Gündem Dergisi Yayınları, ISBN: 978-605-68655-0-3, s. 16-25.

Türkmen A.K., Yavuz C., Aksoy E. (2018), “Biyolojik Ağlar” in “Biyoinformatik Temelleri ve Uygulamaları”, Ed. Mehmet Cengiz Baloğlu, Kastamonu Üniversitesi Basımevi (2018): 159-193.
Gökçe, AF 2012. Soğan (Allium cepa L.) yetiştiriciliği. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayın No 2358 Bahçe Tarımı II 8:167-170 

Yılmaz R., Aksoy E. 2015. “Biyoloji Öz – Biology The Core”, “DNA: Yaşam molekülü” bölümü, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 116-153. 

Gökçe, AF 2012. Enginar yetiştiriciliği (Cynara cardunculus L. var. scolymus). Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayın No 2358 Bahçe Tarımı II 8:205-210 

H. Other publications

Serçe. S., M. Özgen. 2014. Çilek yetiştiriciliği ve yeni eğilimler. Tarım Türk 47 ( Mayıs-Haziran ) 86-92. 

Çalışkan, M.E. 2014. Türkiye’de patates üretimi ve patates politikamız. TÜRKTOB Dergisi 10: 18-24.

Çalışkan, M.E., 2014. Patateste fiyat istikrarsızlığı ve düşündürdükleri. Tarım ve Mühendislik, 106: 44-49. 

Çalışkan, M.E., 2014. Türkiye’de patates sektörüne genel bakış: Hedefler, başarımlar ve beklentiler. Agromedya, 11: 82-89. 

Çalışkan, M.E., 2014. Patateste üretim ve fiyat ilişkileri. Agroskop Dergisi, 28: 

Türkmen AK., Demirel U., Bakhsh A., Öztürk N., Çalışkan ME. Tohumluk Patates Üretiminde Sentetik Tohum Teknolojisinin Kullanımı. Niğde için Benim de Bir Projem Var Proje Pazarı, 18-19 Kasım 2014, Niğde için Benim de Bir Projem Var Proje Pazarı Proje Kitapçığı, sayfa 11. 

Yavuz C., Tındaş İ., Demirel U., Öztürk ZN., Bakhsh A., Çalışkan S., Çalışkan ME. Niğde Koşullarına Uygun Sanayilik Patates Çeşitlerinin Geliştirilmesi. Niğde için Benim de Bir Projem Var Proje Pazarı, 18-19 Kasım 2014, Niğde için Benim de Bir Projem Var Proje Pazarı Proje Kitapçığı, sayfa 18.


Serçe, S., M. Özgen. 2013. Maviyemiş Akdeniz ve Ege bölgelerinde ekonomik olarak yetiştirilebilir mi? Harman Time 5: 46-48. 



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