Why Agricultural Genetic Engineering?

In recent years, the agricultural sector has entered into a rapid change; technological advances all related areas, particularly in gene technology, have made agriculture a sector that requires use of knowledge and technology to move ahead. In parallel with the developments in gene technology, the international seed market has shown rapid growth. Consequently, supports and investments on cultivar breeding and seed production have increased in Turkey in recent years. However, background knowledge about cultivar breeding and the number of qualified staff are very limited in Turkey. Also, depending on developments in biotechnology in recent years, molecular techniques have been used widely in plant breeding. Therefore, integration of modern biotechnological methods into breeding program has become mandatory for domestic firms to compete with the global breeding companies. At this point, there has been an intense demand to professionals who know and apply conventional and biotechnological breeding methods. Department of Agricultural Genetic Engineering offers a unique alternative to the students, those who would like to master the field of agriculture and those who would like to have expertise on topics such as plant breeding and genetics, biotechnology, seed production, agricultural genetic resources and bioinformatics.

Department of Agricultural Genetic Engineering with having 100% English teaching program, modern building, laboratories with the latest technology equipment and with distinguished academic staff will be the best choice for domestic and foreign students who want to get higher education on above mentioned subjects.

You can watch our faculty introduction video here.

What will happen after graduation? 

Students who will graduate from our department will be able to find employment in firms operating in the field of molecular genetics, tissue culture, biotechnology, seed production, breeding, and marketing. Graduates can be employed at all firms that run in agricultural production and related fields since they also have basic agricultural engineering knowledge, as well. Furthermore the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Ministry of Industry and Commerce within the relevant institutions; General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, Agriculture and Credit Cooperatives, agricultural associations related to agriculture (Tariş, Çukobirlik, Pankobirlik etc); General Directorate of Agricultural Affairs  can be recruited in a wide range of business areas. In addition, they can manage own private enterprises in the fields of agricultural production, consultancy, and similar scopes. Students can continue the education period as an academic career when they enroll in respective master and doctoral programs both in Turkey and abroad.

Students who have successfully completed the program will get the title of AGRICULTURAL GENETICS ENGINEER and will be entitled to work as agricultural engineers in public and private institutions.

Latest Update:07.08.2018