
Field-Specific Skills and Competencies

  1. Uses theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of English Language Education.
  2. Demonstrates determination in following the literature on English Language Education. Keeps up to date with the latest methods and theories for English teachers. 
  3. Uses English language skills effectively and creats a learning environment.
  4. Applies the most appropriate teaching strategies, methods, techniques and activities, taking into account the characteristics and achievements of foreign language teaching.
  5. Develops materials suitable for foreign language teaching and student's needs. Interacts well with students
  6. Evaluates the student's achievements in a versatile way by using different methods.
  7. Develops an eclectic approach to foreign language learning and teaching.
  8. Produces solutions for the problems encountered in the field of English Language Teaching.
  9. Conveys thoughts effectively on English Language Teaching and brings useful solutions to the problems encountered.
  10. Uses information and communication technologies related to foreign language education and teaching. Has the competence to find, use, and create online resources. Assesses the effects, problems, and instructional strategies of the large-scale online English teaching.
  11. Complies with social, scientific and ethical values ​​in the stages of collecting, interpreting, announcing and applying data on English Language Teaching.
  12. Uses a second foreign language at least at A2 level.
  13. Defines students' development, learning characteristics and difficulties.
  14. Following the developments in the field, has the motivation to contribute to the development of the students, the research culture and foreign language knowledge.

General Competencies

  1. Knows and uses different teaching methods and techniques within the scope of the learning and teaching process and prepares a suitable learning environment to improve the learning-teaching cycles.
  2. Gains the ability to monitor, evaluate and record the learning of the students in the educational environment.
  3. Takes responsibility individually and as a team member.
  4. Directs his/her own learning.
  5. Recognizes international cultures.
  6. Adapts to social life in different cultures.
  7. Acts in accordance with the laws, regulations and legislation regarding his duties, rights and responsibilities as an individual.
  8. Participates in activities related to professional knowledge and skills.
  9. Is equipped in technology and communication.
  10. Identifies the knowledge required in teaching.
  11. Has information on teaching competencies that language teachers must possess.
  12. Gives importance to interdisciplinary and teamwork.
  13. Knows how to benefit from contemporary approaches while conveying their knowledge on the field.
  14. Respects democracy and human rights.
Latest Update:19.08.2021