Program Outcomes



PO1. Can use English and his/her native language in a communicative context in a correct and effective way at the levels of reaching information, sharing and producing information in written and oral form. 

PO2. Will be able to plan the learning-teaching cycle in line with the English program by taking into account the age groups, linguistic and cognitive levels, learning styles and strategies, interests and needs of the students. During programming takes into account students with special educational needs. 

PO3. Can prepare, plan and apply assessment and evaluation tools and methods for the basic language skills, taking into account the process in English teaching. With the results obtained, teachers can evaluate the English learning program, teaching-learning environments, and assessment tools and take various measures when necessary. 

PO4. In order to improve students' use of the basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar) in daily life, they benefit from various didactic and original materials for their interests and needs, organize related activities, tasks and assignments, and evaluate their role in learning. 

PO5. Knows contemporary language teaching methods, educational theories and approaches, and uses these theories and approaches while supporting the development of the individual, society and education system. 

PO7. Enriches the learning environment with various materials and resources, can organize written, visual and auditory materials and develop original materials, taking into account the interests and needs of students, suitable for their age, linguistic and cognitive development levels, learning styles and strategies. 

PO9. Can use appropriate methods and techniques for the development of critical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving skills in students, considering the interests and needs of the students, in accordance with the students' age, linguistic and cognitive development levels, and learning styles and strategies. 

PO10. Based on their knowledge in educational sciences, literature and linguistics, teachers can establish interdisciplinary connections. They can use these connections in accordance with the age, linguistic and cognitive development levels, learning styles and strategies of the students by adopting an investigative and critical perspective and taking into account the interests and needs of the students in the teaching-learning processes.




PO6. Prepares teachers of English for service in the schools of the state and nation.  Being aware of the national and universal sensitivities expressed in the Basic Law of National Education, sets an example for the society with his/her democracy, human rights, social, scientific and professional ethical values, as well as his/her appearance, attitudes and behaviors. Knowing the regulations and legislation, s/he acts consciously within his/her rights and responsibilities. 

PO8. Can use information technologies effectively both in the teaching planning process and in the learning process, taking into account the teaching-learning cycle, the linguistic and cognitive development characteristics of the students, their individual differences and the characteristics of the subject area. 

PO11. Follows the scientific processes in the field, follows the discussions and can make scientific inquiry and interpretation within this framework. Can design and conduct small-scale educational research and communicate its results orally and in writing, applying the necessary research methods for the study of language individually or in local, national and international contexts. 

PO12. Participates in local, national and international organizations (conferences, seminars, workshops, panels, etc.) related to his field and can both include lifelong learning features in his life and follows advanced information resources related to the field of foreign language teaching.

PO13. Can organize activities within the scope of meeting the social, economic and educational needs of the environment with the aim of turning the school into a cultural and learning center. When necessary, teachers can cooperate with various institutions and organizations. 

PO14. Has a good command of Turkish and English languages; can make comparisons and translations between these two languages. In addition, knows national and international cultures, can communicate in a foreign language other than English at least at the European Language Portfolio A2 level.


Latest Update:19.08.2021