SWOT Analysis


1. Having an academic staff which has high educational quality, experience, dynamism, a strong academic perspective and which is open to professional development and expert in the fields.

2. Having enough educational support services (computer laboratories, smart board etc.) which increases the effectiveness of the education for the students.

3. The opportunity of students to reach every kind of published and electronic resources about language learning.

4. Having an academic and administrational stuff which are sensitive to the student problems

5. Having a large and comfortable working environment as the School of Foreign Languages

6. Giving the opportunity for students from various faculties and schools to learn a language through the voluntary preparation program.

7. Giving the opportunity for foreign students to learn a language in our school.

8. Having the appropriate number of students in classes for language learning


1. Not having enough number of academic staff

2. The lack of learner autonomy and motivation

3. The lack of incentive and motivating elements of teaching staff

4. Lack of teaching staff whose native language is English

5. The excessiveness of the lessons and workload for the academic staff

6. Failure to achieve the required qualification in the field of language teaching


1. Nigde is a rapidly developing city in many areas

2. Increase in the importance of English in the whole world and as the language of science

3. Providing the students with the ability to have sufficient language skills for their participation in international student exchange programs (Erasmus etc.)


1. Increasing competition among universities

2. Inadequate academic staff quota given to the school

3. Negative attitudes and prejudices against the university and the city

4. Negative effects of the university examination on the students (exam system, fatigue, low motivation etc.)

5. The lack of opportunities for students to improve their ability to communicate outside the school

Latest Update:24.11.2017