Outgoing Students
Outgoing Students
The students who are chosen to study as an exchange student under Erasmus+ programmes need to speak to the departmental coordinator to decide which university is convenient place for them. Outgoing students will find the list of courses opened for exchange students at Host University by emailing with the help of departmental coordinator. The students will need to check the web site of the host University for the Necessary Documents. The students will prepare the documents and Learning Agreementement, LA forms. They will get the signatures of coordinators after checking procedures. The documents will be sent by International Relations Office to the host institution.
a) The students will choose the courses which make as total 30 ECTS, the chosen courses will have to be approved by the departmental coordinator in order to avoid the wrong recognition.
b) The Learning agreement (LA) will be prepared in three copies by the student and they need to be signed by both Departmental and Institutional Coordinator. Some documents may require the stamp of the institution.
c) The student can obtain the Transcript of Records document in English from the student’s affairs office in the faculty/school or institute.
d) The student will need to write an official letter to inform the department, he/she will be a mobile student for the next term or year and the faculty / institute/ school board recognition decision will be taken for the chosen courses according to the signed LA document.
e) The student will need to write the name, surname and email address while writing an email and asking a question to the host institution. Please obey the official writing rules.
2) The student will find the application form and LA forms together with the other necessary and requested documents on the host institution web site. If the student cannot find the documents he/she will get in touch with the staff at the host institution, International Relations Office via email.
3) If the student will accommodate at the dormitory of host institution he/she will need to fill in an accommodation form requested by the host institute. Sometimes the dormitory may request some payment in advance from the student so please check carefully the details of the dormitory service.
4) The official letters which will be given to the student by International Relations Office, Omer Halisdemir University as in the following;
a) The official letter for the passport; In our country the students who are studying at university can get their passports by applying individually to the Provincial Police Headquarters until the age of 25. However; the students who are older than the determined age can get the official letters showing that they will be mobile student for some periods. After receiving the official writing, they will pay some money as passport fee first and apply for the passport service placed at Provincial Police Headquarters. This official writing is given to the student after receiving the acceptance letter.
b) Embassy and Financial Support Letter: The students will be given another official letter which shows how much they will be paid to them as support and where they will go, how long they will stay etc. This writing will be given to the Embassy while applying for visa issues. Please be careful; The students will need to apply for visa so they need to make an appointment for the visa issues after receiving the acceptance letter from the host institution.
c) Some universities or institutions may request the language proficiency certificate or the official letter which shows the language level. The students may get this language level writings from the School of Foreign Languages. In addition, the students will take an exam of OLS given by the Executive Agency before going to the host institution. Some students may also the result of this exam to confirm their language level.
5) The students who have the Green passport may also use this passport but please do not forget that you need apply for the visa procedures if you stay longer than 3 months for your mobility. Some countries’ embassies may just give residency permit to these students. Please check the Embassy visa procedures for the country where your institution is placed.
6) Visa procedures are in the responsibility of the students so please check the visa issues/ procedures link on the web site of the related Embassy.
a) Embassies give the visa appointments according to their own schedules so please do not be late for the visa appointment.
b) The mobile students will need to make their own health and travel insurance policies and liability insurance for the training and the documents may be requested by the embassy during the visa application.
c) The Embassy may request some other documents, such as; financial possibilities of your family (payroll of your parents, your grant paper, scholarship document, etc., too. Therefore; please read carefully the details of documents before going to the embassy and be ready at the consulate on the date of visa.
d) All the requested documents should be prepared correctly and hand them in fully and correctly to the consulate, otherwise; you visa application can be denied.
e) After taking your visa you should bring your visa copy to the office. This procedure is really important since your grant will be paid according to your visa certification to the office.
7) Some institutions and consulates may request the insurance documents so please give one copy of your insurance document to the office in case we need the document and it is also necessary for the contract details.
8) The students will open a Euro bank account in Ziraatbank Central Nigde Branch which is in Bankalar Caddesi, Nigde. The student will bring the copy of the document (bank account receipt) to us. The students will need to get the information from our office about the bank issues.
9) After the visa and bank account receipt details are brought to the office the student will sign a contract with us. The grant will be paid after this procedure.
10) For the necessary information about the accommodation and other questions, the students can get in touch with the body student or ESN (Erasmus Student Network).
11) After arriving at the host institution the students will need to prepare Certificate of Arrival and get the necessary signatures from the authorized person and then they need to send it to us via email but they need to bring the original one while coming back.
12) While coming back (for the departure step) the students will need to prepare the Certificate of Departure and get the signatures from the authorized person and bring to us together with the Certificate of Attendance and After the Mobility form (the form is attached with the LA document).
13) The grants which will be paid to the students are shown as in the following table;
Countries by Cost of Living Monthly -Student Study Grant (€) Training Grant (€)
1. & 2. Group Countries: Austria, Denmark,
Finland, French, Ireland, Italy, 600 750
Liechtenstein, Norway, Sweden,
Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece,
Luxembourg, Iceland, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, Malta.
3. Group Countries: Bulgaria, Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, 450 600
Romania, Slovakia, Macedonia, Turkey, Czech
Republic, Slovenia, Croatia,
14) The students can learn the codes of ISCED / Field-Area Codes from the link below; http://ec.europa.eu/education/tools/isced-f_en.htm
15) The students cannot get the grants if they do not take the OLS exam (Online Linguistic Exam). For this exam the Institutional Coordinator will send you a link via email to your email addresses and you will make your registration to the link, after that you will take the exam. This exam will be taken twice, before going abroad and after departure. The certificate will be shaped by the system according to your level. So please check your emails for the OLS link if you haven’t received it please give us information, a new invitation will be sent to your email addresses again.
The Documents which are needed to be given to the Office before starting your mobility programme as in the following:
1. Acceptance Letter (The copy will be given to the Office, the original one will be taken by the consulate)
2. Accommodation documents.
3. Learning Agreement Study / Training (Learning Agreement will be hand in the Office after the signature process.) - Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Studies
4. Faculty/School/Graduate School Decision
5. Transcript of records document in English
6. ID card copy/ passport copy (Your email address and tel. numbers will be written on)
7. Copy of Bank receipt document (taken from the bank after opening a bank account in €).
8. Copy of the visa
9. Copy of insurance document
10. Contract (It will be signed by the student and Erasmus Institutional Coordinator after visa issues),
11. Other documents; (passport and visa official writings, etc.).
After completion of the Programme:
The students need to bring the documents mentioned below after the completion of the programme, some institutions may also send the documents after the student has completed his/her exchange period.
1. The signed documents of After the Mobility form which can be found in the LA document.
2. Confirmation of Stay Document.
3. The passport copy of the student (the entrance dates and departure dates pages can be scanned and sent to the Office via email).
4. The Participation Report Form (this is going to be sent to your email addresses after you have finished your period by your coordinator and this is an online report form. You need to fill in and submit it. Your rest of your grant payment will be made after you have completed this form).
· You need to remember that your grant payments will be done in two periods . First is going to be up to %80 of your grant and paid before the exchange period and the second one, %20 of it, is done after completion of your period and documents completed.
· The students can get in touch with us for the detailed information or they can have a look at the Erasmus+ Handbook;
CLİCK For Erasmus+ Programme Guide
* All the necessary documents and application procedures will be mentioned in details and all the information will be given during the orientation and Introductory Meeting).
* Students at the level of Bachelor’s Degree should have GPA 2.20 out of 4.00 can apply for the programme. Students at the level of Master’s Degree and PhD should have GPA 2.50 out of 4.00 can apply for the programme.
* All students have to take English Language Exam. Please check the application procedures in the introductory video.
*Participation in the Orientation Program is mandatory.
*You can contact with International Relations Office at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University for your questions.
Address: Niğde Omer Halisdemir University
International Relations Office
51240 Campus- Nigde/ Turkey
Tel: +903882252148
Fax: +903882252385
Email: erasmus@ohu.edu.tr