Field Specific Skills and Competences
1. have the knowledge of the development of 0-6 year children .
2.know the targeted aims basis for the skills of the 1st grade elementary school in the education of early childhood and engage in activities oriented these.
3.provide the preschool child’s physical, cognitive, social and sensual development and know the theories and principles of development and plan apply according to these principles.
4.know the aims and principles of the early childhood education, acquire skill in practicing the studies prepared according to these aims and know the nature of Turkish Education System.
5.know the importance of the school- family- child communication and comprehend the studies oriented to family attendance.
6.know the early childhood education institutions, their characteristics and have the required characteristics of early childhood teachers in the direction of Ataturk’s principles and reforms.
General Competences
1. know and use the different kinds of methods and techniques within the context of teaching and learning. They plan an effective learning environment in order to develop the teaching and learning process making use of the teaching aims.
2. have the knowledge of research culture and foreign language at a certain level to follow the field and have the knowledge of general culture in order to develop students’ developments.
3. acquire the observation, evaluation and record keeping of the students in the education environment.
4.are able to use the Turkish language properly and effectively and have the communication skill to communicate students.
5. take as a goal to raise respectful people and to have personal universal rights, freedom and values.
6. emphasize child, adult and family educational researches and projects based studies.
7.are adequate in the fields of technology and communication.