Sustainable Waste Management Policies
- Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University places importance on the protection and sustainable use of land resources, preservation of existing ecosystems, and biodiversity conservation, aligned with Sustainable Development and Zero Waste Goals.
- The university tracks waste produced in its units (hazardous, medical, biological, radioactive) from production to eco-friendly disposal, implementing efficient and measurable standards through the Institutional Integrated Waste Management System.
- Following the Zero Waste approach, the university plans to reduce single-use plastics and disposables from the supply process, reduce waste through prevention, recovery, and reuse pathways.
- The principles of Zero Discharge, Zero Waste, Recycling, and Reuse are implemented in development plans and research activities across university units, including the external supply chain.
- Collaborating with local authorities, the university engages in initiatives to design and construct zero-emission buildings on a local and national scale, while measures are taken to reduce emissions from waste storage within the institution.
- **The university raises awareness** about plastic pollution, promoting the use of sustainable alternatives like thermoses and mugs. It also prioritizes plastic-reducing measures in its procurement policy, encouraging sustainable practices for all stakeholders.
- A “Bring Your Own Cup” campaign encourages students and staff to bring their reusable cups or thermoses for beverages, with a 50% discount on drinks as an incentive, aligned with waste prevention and sustainability goals.
- Regular awareness activities, such as workshops, seminars, and campaigns, aim to educate students and staff on the environmental impacts of plastic pollution and the importance of reducing plastic use.
- Regular awareness activities, such as workshops, seminars, and campaigns, aim to educate students and staff on the environmental impacts of plastic pollution and the importance of reducing plastic use.
- The university promotes waste management and monitors not only its internal operations but also supply chain processes and stakeholders in line with sustainability and zero waste principles.