
Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

1. (SOMDAŞ MEHMET AKİF, GÜNTÜRK İNAYET, BALCIOĞLU ESRA,AVCİ DENİZ,YAZICI CEVAT,ÖZDAMAR SAİM), (2020), Protective effect of N-acetylcysteine against cisplatinototoxicity in rats: a study with hearing tests andscanning electron microscopy, Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 86(1), 30-37. (Yayın No: 6455582)

2. (TEKİN TUBA,ÇİÇEK BETÜL,KONYALIGİL NUREFŞAN, GÜNTÜRK İNAYET, YAZICI CEVAT,ÖZDAMAR KARACA ZÜLEYHA CİHAN,ÜNLÜSAVURAN MELTEM), (2019), Increased hip circumference in individuals with metabolic syndrome affects serum nesfatin-1 levels, Postgraduate Medical Journal, Doi: 1010.1136/postgradmedj-2019-136887

3. (TOPALOĞLU ULAŞ SERKAN, SİPAHİOĞLU MURAT HAYRİ, GÜNTÜRK İNAYET, AKGÜN HÜLYA, DOĞAN MUHAMMET ENSAR, SÖNMEZ GÖKHAN, ELMALI FERHAN, YAZICI CEVAT), (2019), Effects of thymoquinone in prevention of experimental contrast-induced nephropathy in rats, Iranıan Journal Of Basıc Medıcal Scıences, Doi: 10.22038/IJBMS.2019.13990    

Son Güncelleme Tarihi:20.11.2023