


Medical faculties have three important functions: education, research and health service delivery. While fulfilling these functions, our faculty has defined its vision as "to find a place for itself among leading medical schools at national and international level by the science and technology it produces as well as the contemporary education and advanced health services it offers".

Our faculty, which will start giving medical education for the first time this year, aims to provide contemporary and innovative medical education for the young candidate physicians who will join us. To this end, our faculty will work to train physicians who have up-to-date knowledge and skills, are able to think analytically and interpret the knowledge they have, conduct research, who can keep up with recent developments in the field, have good communication skills and humanitarian values. The curriculum of our faculty has been constructed in accordance with these purposes, trainings for all faculty members have been organized and infrastructural work has been completed. Our faculty values skill-oriented education and internationalization. In line with this, within the first three years of our medical education program, our students will link the intensive theoretical basic medical knowledge with the protection of human health and treatment of diseases through horizontal and vertical integrations and establish the basis of clinical education they will receive in the following years. Our students will acquire medical and social skills through the patient-centered trainings at clinical internships, case studies and medical skills trainings on models which will be given in the fourth and fifth years and complete their clinical practice internships. Sixth year students will apply the knowledge and skills they acquired during their trainings in the previous years under the supervision of their professors for a year before they start practicing medicine professionally. At the end of these six years of training, they will graduate as competent doctors who are qualified with the vision of our faculty. Our faculty aims to maintain close contact with our graduates after graduation.

Another important duty of medical faculties is to conduct scientific research. In today's world, the development of useful products and methods have become the expected outcomes of scientific research. In this context, our faculty aims to contribute to science and technology, as well as contributing to the development of new products and methods by utilizing the manpower and infrastructural facilities at hand especially in the thematic areas, determined by our university as its vision of "being a university with competitive power in science and technology".

Our faculty aims to meet the health care needs of first of all the people living in Niğde by working together with our partners in protection of human health and providing health care services, and to become a preferred health institution in the certain thematic areas.

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Faculty of Medicine will adopt teamwork and interdisciplinary working principles and make use of our opportunities in the best and most productive ways to always try to get better and continue to improve both in our province and within the whole country. In addition to these, students will have a campus environment where they can have a good time participating in various student events organized.

We hope to raise knowledgeable, competent, conscientious, responsible physicians by following Hippocrates’ "first talk, then medicine, finally knife" principle, who is considered the father of medicine. In these feelings, I wish success to all our faculty members and students and hope that our faculty would be good for our country and the nation, and I offer my respects.

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University

Faculty of Medicine

Deputy Dean




Latest Update:26.12.2023