Learning Outcomes

T. C.







1. Explains the basic points about understanding the basic medical concepts and updating the information.


2. Describes the normal structures, normal functioning and functions of all organs and systems of the body, defines the structure and functional changes of the body and organ systems in case of disease.


3. Defines the causes and etiopathogenesis of the diseases and explains the prevention methods.


4. He / she makes the differential diagnosis by evaluating the patient physiologically and mentally in a holistic way.


5. Defines common diseases epidemiologically, evaluates economic, psychological, social, environmental and cultural factors that may adversely affect human health.


6. Defines the basic legal rules, ethical concepts and principles related to the medical profession and uses them appropriately for the benefit of the patient.


7. In terms of patient privacy, it acts in accordance with the principle of confidentiality of patient information.


8. communicates effectively in writing and verbally with patients, patients' relatives, colleagues and other relevant persons for appropriate management of the patient and the disease.


9. Using basic research methods to reach the relevant databases, analyze and interpret information in order to respond to scientific and technological changes in the professional field.


10. Applies lifelong learning behavior to ensure professional and personal development.




1. To comprehend cell structure function; Define the definition of the cell, its structural features, the cell membrane and inner membrane systems, membrane signaling, the names of other organelles of the cell, and explain the structural features and functions, the events that occur during cell proliferation and death, and the interaction of cells with each other.


2. Explain cell metabolism and biomolecules that play a role, their structural and functional properties and protein synthesis.


3. Defines the concepts of medical biochemistry, medical microbiology, metabolism, anabolism and catabolism.


4. Apply professional skills skillfully on anatomical models / models, comprehend ethical and professional values ​​in patient-physician relationship and medical practices in accordance with the medical profession.


5. Explains the relationship between culture, art, law and medical science for professional development.


6. The basic professional skills they will apply in the clinic are hand washing and wearing sterile gloves on the model, donning serum, taking blood, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injection, and wound care.


7. Describes the relationship between behaviors and biological determinants.


8. Describes the system concept and classification of systems, the behavior and properties of living systems as open systems.


9. Explains the anatomy information about the bone joint and muscle that make up the movement system, and the relationship between the muscles attached to the bones, vessels and nerves.


10. Uses and analyzes ways of reaching information on scenarios with skill applications.




1. Explains the anatomical, histological, embryological, physiological and biochemical features of normal tissues and organs and the basic principles of microbiology.


 2. Describes general human embryology, embryological origins of organs and their development.


3. Defines blood hemodynamics and lymphoid organs as well as circulatory system anatomy and histology.


4. Applies the anatomy and histology of the respiratory system and the physiological, biochemical functional mechanisms of the system and the diagnostic methods of diseases in this system.


5. Describes the anatomy and histology of organs and tissues in the digestive system, explains the integration of metabolism and the effects of anatomic developmental disorders.


6. Describes the endocrine system and explains the anatomical, histological and physiological features of the organs and tissues that secrete hormones, the biochemical structures of hormones, and the events that the endocrine system affects.


7. Explains the anatomy, embryology and histology of the urogenital system, reproductive and excretory physiology.


8. Evaluates the anatomy and histology of the nervous system and sensory organs and the physiological, biochemical functional mechanisms of the system and its relationship with other systems.


9. Uses and analyzes the ways of reaching information on scenarios with skill applications.


1. Define the factors and pathogenesis of cell-tissue injury, infections, and pharmacological principles.


2. Uses information about transmission and prevention routes of infectious diseases, etiopathogenesis, symptoms of these diseases, basic clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings, antimicrobial agents and their main features, main infectious diseases of the country and region.


3. Explains cancer etiopathogenesis, definition, biology of development, molecular basis of cancer and staging with types of cancer, basic action mechanisms of drugs.


4. Explains the etiopathogenesis of circulatory and respiratory system diseases, their symptoms, basic clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings, and applies the general principles of diagnosis and treatment.


5. Explains the clinical features, laboratory and histopathological findings of gastrointestinal system, liver, pancreas and biliary tract diseases, and applies diagnostic therapies.


6. Explains the etiopathogenesis of hematopoietic system diseases, their symptoms, basic clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings, and applies the general principles of diagnosis and treatment.


7. Explains the etiopathogenesis of endocrine diseases, their symptoms, basic clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings, and applies the general principles of diagnosis and treatment.


8. Explains the etiopathogenesis of urogenital system and gynecological system diseases, their symptoms, basic clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings, and applies the general principles of diagnosis and treatment.


9. Describes the etiopathogenesis of nervous system and psychiatric diseases, their symptoms, basic clinical and laboratory findings, uses diagnostic methods and drugs used in the treatment of these diseases.


10. Explains the etiopathogenesis of musculoskeletal system diseases, their symptoms, basic clinical, laboratory and histopathological findings, and applies the general principles of diagnosis and treatment.


11. Fields of occupation of preventive medicine and public health, the main problems in these areas; Evaluates and analyzes deontological principles, philosophy of public health, and concepts related to health management.

 12. Apply basic professional skills on a model, explain the necessary equipment and rules.




1. Makes the pre-diagnosis or diagnosis of common internal diseases that may require urgent intervention, treats these patients at the primary care level and provides emergency interventions and sends the patient to a specialist when necessary.


2. Diagnoses acute and chronic cardiovascular diseases, explains theoretical and practical knowledge that can make basic and emergency treatment of the disease; identifies patients who need to be sent to a higher center for diagnosis or treatment.


3. Provides protection and development of children's health, diagnoses and treats common diseases in childhood.


4. Interprets the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and findings of gynecology and obstetrics diseases, which are common in the society, explains the differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods.


5. Diagnoses the patient about surgical diseases of the gastrointestinal and endocrine systems, breast diseases, abdominal wall hernias, emergency surgical diseases and approach to a trauma patient and uses the appropriate treatment option at the primary care level.


6. Counts the devices in radiology, the technical features of the devices, the advantages, disadvantages and side effects of radiological examinations, and interprets the basic diagnostic methods and which tests can be used in which diseases by distinguishing between them.


7. Diagnoses the common congenital and acquired surgical diseases of the gastrointestinal, urological, respiratory and endocrine systems of children in the 0-18 age group and the traumas in these systems and makes a first-step treatment approach to these diseases.


8. Diagnoses common congenital anomalies and traumas of head, neck, trunk and extremities, burn trauma, acute-chronic skin wounds, skin tumors and makes the necessary treatment approaches in the first step.


9.Describes basic knowledge and practices related to anesthesiology, pain and intensive care, recognizes patients with respiratory failure and applies basic therapy, uses the necessary tools and equipment for airway opening, and performs endotracheal intubation independently, and also applies the basic treatment approach to patients with acute and chronic pain. .



1. Diagnoses common skin and sexually transmitted skin diseases and treats these diseases at the primary care level.


2. Applies diagnosis and treatment approaches for common diseases in the musculoskeletal system, realizes deformities, functional limitations and problems causing pain, and makes necessary interventions and minor surgical procedures for the traumatic patient.


3. Explains the characteristics of the rehabilitative approach in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic, metabolic, orthopedic and neurological diseases that are common in the society and cause disability, and makes a good examination of the musculoskeletal system.


4. Explains the basic information about eye diseases, makes the first intervention to eye emergencies, applies the knowledge and skills that can guide patients in the right way to prevent eye diseases that cause vision loss.


5. Recognizes and treats ear-nose-throat infections and complications that are frequently observed in the society, diseases that cause hearing loss and balance disorders, recognizes congenital diseases related to ear-nose-throat and head and neck cancers and provides necessary guidance, diagnosis and apply treatment methods.


6. Recognize the symptoms and signs of common neurological diseases in the society, apply neurological examination, approach the correct diagnosis and evaluate what the necessary laboratory examinations are, use the necessary emergency treatment approaches.


7. Uses the information about the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of congenital, traumatic, vascular, tumoral and movement disorder diseases of the central nervous system effectively.


8. Diagnoses common urological diseases, especially urological diseases that require urgent diagnosis and treatment, and treats urological diseases at primary care level.


9. Within the framework of psychiatric evaluation and approach, he / she evaluates the patient in a holistic approach in general medical practice from the psychiatric perspective, recognizes psychopathologies and uses differential diagnosis methods in psychiatric diseases that they may encounter frequently.


10. He / she makes the necessary information to the patients by applying rational treatment and rational drug selection in the treatment of diseases.


11. Applies the methods that can ensure the protection and development of the physical and mental health of the child, treats common childhood diseases and provides referrals when necessary.


12. Carries out the process within the framework of legal regulations and ethical values ​​within the framework of forensic-medical problems frequently encountered during medical practices, and implements the necessary procedures in forensic death cases.


13. Explains the examination of the musculoskeletal system, the application areas of physical medicine and rehabilitation discipline, the general characteristics, epidemiology and clinical features of the diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system, and applies the diagnosis and treatment methods.


14. Diagnoses common respiratory system diseases and respiratory disorders during sleep, intervenes in emergency respiratory system diseases and treats respiratory system diseases at primary level.


15. Applies diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and rehabilitation methods of cardiovascular diseases.



1. Approach to common emergencies, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, intervention and stabilization, treatment and basic interventional procedures.


2.The child takes an accurate, comprehensive and problem-focused anamnesis from patients and their families, conducts physical examination and mental evaluation, approaches the patient in a holistic way by understanding the biological, psycho-social components of health and illness, Decides with respect.


3. Uses basic practical knowledge in gynecology and obstetrics related diseases which are common in the society and they may encounter during primary care practices, defines the clinical signs and symptoms of these diseases, the tests required for diagnosis and how to interpret, treatment and hospitalization indication.


4. Selects and applies current, reliable diagnosis and treatment methods of basic internal diseases that are common in the society and may require urgent intervention.


5. By performing the diagnosis-treatment-referral procedures in primary care, planning and implementing researches aimed at identifying and solving the health problems of the society, manages a community health center (TSM).


6. Makes the differential diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric diseases that they may encounter frequently, by evaluating the patient from psychiatric aspects in a holistic approach in general medical practice.


7. Diagnose the general surgical diseases that will be encountered most frequently in primary health care services and apply minor surgical procedures (such as simple abscess drainage, suturing, dressing).


8. Diagnoses congenital and acquired orthopedic diseases, which are common in the society, performs examination of the musculoskeletal system and first aid to the traumatic patient in orthopedic terms, orthopedic interventions (plaster, splint preparation, plaster casting) required in primary care.


9. Uses the skills of managing and guiding the patient and the disease by evaluating the patient in a holistic approach, making differential diagnosis in all emergency cases he may encounter during primary care, and applying his treatment and emergency treatments.


10. Keeping accurate and reliable records, analyzing and interpreting epidemic, clinical and laboratory data,


11. Using ways of reaching information by developing lifelong learning attitudes and behaviors in line with the determined learning needs and assessing the information critically.


12. He / she is sensitive to his / her mental and physical health, health of employees, environment and occupational safety, individual and public health, takes responsibility, develops a professional attitude and becomes a role model for society with its behaviors.


13. Makes teamwork, communicates effectively with patients, colleagues and other segments of the society, and conveys his thoughts and solution suggestions verbally and in writing by supporting quantitative and qualitative data.


14. Knows the laws, regulations and legislation related to doctor-patient rights and responsibilities and acts in accordance with ethical rules.

Latest Update:13.08.2020