Grade Evaluation


Exams, Success and Assessment Principles


ARTICLE 16 - (1) The exams to be held for the measurement and evaluation of education at the Faculty are as follows:

a) In the semesters with Course Board application; Course Board exam, make-up exam, final final exam, end-of-year general make-up exam.

b) Internship exam and internship make-up exam in the fourth, fifth and sixth terms.

(2) Exams; classical, test method and mixed written, oral, applied or a combination of these methods.

(3) Mixed written exams are test-weighted exams. Multiple choice, taking into account the characteristics of the courses

It is done by including questions such as filling, definition, sentence completion.

(4) Exams can be held on Saturdays and Sundays, except for national and religious holidays.

(5) All exam dates in the first, second and third semesters re announced with the course schedule approved by the Faculty Executive Board.

(6) The date of the exam, which is postponed or should be put forward for any reason, is announced by the Dean's Office.

(7) Make-up exam: A make-up exam is held for students who have received an FH grade because they cannot enter the Course Board exam due to their excuses or whose excuses are accepted by the Faculty Board of Directors. Semester 1, Term 2 and Term 3 students are taken to the make-up exam of the course / course boards. In the internships in Semester 4 and Semester 5, students are taken to make-up exam if they complete the period of non-attendance at the time determined by the department. There is no second make-up exam for students who do not take the make-up exam. There is no make-up exam for internship, general and make-up exams.

Passing the term

ARTICLE 17 - (1) The principle of passing a semester at the Faculty is applied. The achievement of each year of academic education at the medical level is a prerequisite for the next year. For this reason, all courses and applications of a semester, except for common and compulsory courses, which are not found to be prerequisites, cannot be passed to a higher semester unless their internships are accomplished.

Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 exams and their evaluation

ARTICLE 18 - (1) Provisions regarding the courses and exams taught in Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 are as follows is such that:

a) Course Committee exam: It is the exam held at the end of each Course Committee. The grade received in the Course Board exam is called the Course Board grade. Exam results are announced within seven days at the latest.

(2) Course Board exam questions have a weight of questions and grades in proportion to the total number of hours of the courses in the board. In a Course Board theoretical exam, a threshold is applied to the total number of these questions for each course with 10 or more questions and for courses below. The least limit is 50%. In case a grade below 50% is obtained from one or more of the courses constituting the board in the theoretical exam of the Course Board; The difference between the score obtained from that course and 50% of the score in the Course Board exam of the related course is deducted from the total score of the theoretical exam and the exam grade of the student for that course is determined. If there is no practice / skill exam in the Course Committee, the theoretical exam grade of the Course Committee is the exam grade of the Course Committee. If practical exams such as oral exam, practical exam, and vocational skill practices exam are held in the Course Committee, the total of 85% of the theoretical exam grade of the Course Committee and 15% of the Course Committee practical exam grade is the exam grade of the Course Board.

(3) The average grade of the course boards is the grade obtained by dividing the sum of the points obtained by multiplying the course hours of the Course Board with each Course Board exam grade in a semester by the total course hours in the total course boards in the relevant term.

(4) General and make-up exam questions have a weight of questions and grades in proportion to the total hours of the courses in the term. Final grade is calculated according to the principles stated in the fifth paragraph.

(5) Final grade is the grade obtained by adding 50% of the average grade of the course / course boards and 50% of the grade obtained in the general examination. In calculating the final grade of the students who make the resit exam, the grade obtained from the resit exam is taken as basis instead of the grade obtained from the general exam. In order for the student to move to the next term, he / she must get at least fifty from the final exam and his / her final grade must be at least sixty out of 100 points. Students in Semester 1, Semester 2 and Term 3 with an average grade of eighty and above on the course board, on the condition that they take at least sixty points out of 100 points separately from each of these exams by participating in the exams of all course boards, are considered successful without taking the final exam. In this case, the average grade of the course boards of the students is considered as the final grade. From these students

Those who want to take the general exam are taken to the general exam if they apply with a written petition at least fifteen days before the general exam. The last exam taken is taken as basis in calculating the final grade.

(6) A student who fails to get the passing grade, but does not take the general exam, is considered unsuccessful that year and is deemed to have remained.

Term 4 and Term 5 exams and their evaluation

ARTICLE 19 - (1) Internship grade is calculated using the scores obtained from clinical evaluations integrated with the final exam score.

(2) In order to be successful in the final exam, all of the following conditions must be met:

a) Having obtained at least sixty points out of one hundred from the theoretical written exam.

b) Having obtained at least sixty points out of one hundred from the practical / oral / practical exam at the end of the internship.

(3) When all the conditions in the second paragraph are met separately, 60% of the score obtained from the practical / oral / practical exam at the end of the internship, 25% of the theoretical exam score, 10% of the BKD and if the prep training internship is applied,% of the score obtained here The internship grade is calculated by summing 5 of them. If the medical preparation internship is not applied, the contribution of BKD is accepted as 15% and the internship grade is calculated.

(4) Internship grades are notified to the Term Coordinator by the head of the relevant department and the results are entered into the automation system by the Term Coordinator.

Internship make-up exam and repetition of internships

ARTICLE 20 - (1) Students who fail the internship exams in Semester 4 and Semester 5 take the make-up exam for these internships. Students who fail the make-up exam or exams repeat this internship or internship in the next semester, within the maximum time. There is an obligation to continue in these repetitions.

(2) In Semester 4 and Semester 5, a higher semester cannot be passed until all internships included in the education plan of that period are successfully completed. However, the student who successfully completes the internship repetition in the following academic year can start the internship for the ongoing semester. Students who fail the internship repeat exam and therefore fail to make a resit exam can use the next internship exam of the relevant course as a make-up exam, without waiting for the final make-up exam. If they are successful, they can start the internship of the current term.

Educational principles of family practice period

ARTICLE 21 - (1) The purpose of family medicine education in the sixth year of medical education; To gain experience and skills in the application of the art of medicine by making the clinical applications of the knowledge acquired by the student in the previous periods and to bring the physician candidate to the level where he can best practice the art of medicine.

(2) The principles regarding the education of the family practice period are as follows:

  1. During this period, the student works in clinics, polyclinics, operating rooms, laboratories and field studies under the control of a faculty member and lecturer.
  2. Family practice students are obliged to comply with the conditions of the departments and sciences they are educated, to be on guard, to participate in surgery, laboratory work, case presentation, conferences, seminars and other scientific activities.
  3. The success of the student in this period, at the end of the study done in each department; Besides medical and skill; The relationship with the patient and patient relatives, the degree of commitment to duty, professional knowledge, cooperation ability, interest in work, attendance, participation and interest in meetings are evaluated on the grades in Article 22.
  4. Family medicine period is a period of fifty two weeks without interruption. This term is held in periods and periods to be determined by the decision of the Faculty Board.
  5. Family medicine period is carried out in the departments of the Faculty. Elective internship can also be done in medical faculties providing education in Turkey or abroad, with the approval of the Faculty Board of Directors. The Faculty Board of Directors decides the equivalence of internships outside the institution. Elective internship study is not applied in clinical branches that are mandatory during the family medicine period. Elective internship fields are determined by the Faculty Board every year. Students must notify their elective internship preferences to the Dean's Office at least two weeks before the beginning of the academic year. Family medicine students of domestic medical faculties can do one or more of their internships in the Faculty with the permission of their faculties and the decision of the Faculty Board of Directors.


e) In order to be successful in the family medicine period, they must have worked and completed the period of internships specified by the Faculty Board in this period, and must successfully complete their incomplete work due to compulsory circumstances. If they fail, the students repeat these slices for the full time. Students who fail in elective internships continue the new internship for a full time if they want to change the internships they failed.

Success grade

ARTICLE 22 - (1) The absolute evaluation system is used in calculating the success grade and the exams are 100 points evaluated over. Course grades and coefficients are as follows:

Success Grade                        Coefficient                Score

AA                             4,0                              90-100

BA                              3,5                              80-89

BB                              3,0                              70-79

CB                              2,5                              65-69

CC                              2.0                              60-64

FF                               0.0                              <60


(2) The explanation of some of the grades is as follows:

a) EX: Successful in the exemption exam administered by the university.

b) NA: Failure because the condition of attendance and / or application to the Course / Course Committee and internships is not met, it is treated as an FF grade and is included in the weighted grade point average.

c) FH: Excused absenteeism It is the grade given to students who have exceeded the absenteeism limit due to an excuse accepted by the Faculty Administrative Board in the Course Board in Semesters 1, 2 and 3. The student takes a make-up exam in that Course Board.

d) A student who gets AA, BA, BB, CB, CC and EX grades from a course is considered successful.

(3) NA grade is given to students who do not attend course / course boards and internships. These students are not taken to the relevant course / course boards and internship exams.


Objection to exam results

ARTICLE 23 - (1) Within seven days from the date of the announcement of the exam results, students can object to the exam results by applying to the Dean's Office in writing. Material error is detected as a result of the examination by the commission consisting of the Chief Coordinator, Term Coordinator and Course Committee / Internship Officer upon objection.

If necessary, it is reported to the Dean's Office for the necessary correction. After the end of the seven-day period, grade changes that will be requested either by the student's objection or by the instructor responsible for the course are not put into action. Time

The grade change requests made within the department are finalized by the Faculty Administrative Board and sent to the Student Affairs Office of the University within fifteen days at the latest from the deadline for the change.

(2) Students can object to the theoretical exam questions to the Dean's Office in writing within the first two days following the exam, along with the scientific data in the current medical books they have submitted as an attachment.

(3) Objections to the exams of common compulsory courses whose exams are centrally held by the Rectorate, is examined and finalized by the University's Central Examination Unit.

Latest Update:01.11.2022