







1. Knowledge of the normal body structure (organ, tissue, cell, molecular level)

2. Knowledge of normal physiological functions (organ, tissue, cell, molecular level)

3. Ability to comprehend normal anatomical and physiological changes due to age,

4. Describing the mechanisms of normal structural and functional changes at the cellular level,

5. Defining the basic epidemiological principles related to the management of diseases which are common in the society and listing statistical principles on this subject,

6. Describing the mechanisms of pathological structural and functional changes at the cellular level (genetic, metabolic, toxic, developmental, neoplastic, autoimmune, degenerative, traumatic)

7. Defining the social, economic, cultural, traumatic and stress-related factors that damage health,

8. Being able to list clinic, laboratory, imaging and pathologic findings related to the identification of common international, national and regional diseases,

9. Being able to list the scientific methods related to the treatment and rehabilitation of international, national and regional diseases which are commonly encountered,

10. Being able to list the first and urgent treatments for the diseases that threaten the public health, kill the most and result in disabled individuals,

11. Explaining the organization, financing and presentation models of healthcare services,

12. Knowledge of the legal regulations related to healthcare services,

13. Listing ethical concepts and principles related to medical applications,

14. Sufficient professional knowledge in order to support exchange students at the international level.


1. Ability to get detailed, reliable story about the diagnosis of diseases and make system queries,

2. Ability to perform a detailed physical examination about the diagnosis of diseases,

3. Ability to perform basic interventional procedures to be used in diagnosis and follow-up of diseases,

4. Ability to recognize and treat the most common diseases in the community,

5. Ability to embrace the individuals as a whole and treat them as parts of both family and society,

6. Ability to carry out age- or gender-specific follow-up procedures in order to protect the health of the society and the individual,

7. Ability to come up with solutions to protect and improve the health of the community and the individual,

8. Ability to appropriately use the data related to professional practices in order to meet the health requirements of the society,

9. Ability to solve the health problems of patients and the society by evidence-proof applications

10. Ability to effectively use the means and tools of achieving up-to-date information for personal and professional development and gain lifelong learning skills,

11. Ability to plan, conduct, evaluate and report scientific research on the health problems of the society,

12. Ability to work as a team in providing healthcare services and manage their own team,

13. Competency at international level,

14. Ability to carry out the first and urgent treatments for the diseases that threaten the public health, kill the most and result in disabled individuals, and refer to a specialist when necessary.


1. Ability to take an empathic approach towards the patients and colleagues,

2. Good communication with colleagues, other healthcare staff, patients and other community members,

3. Respect the rights of patients and healthy individuals,

4. Ability to act in accordance with professional and social value judgments,

5. Open and honest relationships with the patients, their relatives, colleagues, other healthcare staff and the whole community,

6. Developing the attitude of defending personal rights against social institutions, organizations and individuals,

7. Responsibility to cooperate with the necessary institutions, organizations and individuals in order to improve the health of the society and the individuals,

8. Ability to comprehend the importance of applying the appropriate scientific methods in accordance with the needs of the society in health related applications,

9. Ability to act in accordance with medical ethics rules in their relations with colleagues, other healthcare staff, healthy individuals, patients, and patient relatives.


1.        Defining basic concepts about cell

2.        Using light microscopy,

3.        Listing the effects of inheritance on disease,

4.        Explaining the basic knowledge of organic chemistry and biochemistry,

5.        Defining the basic biochemical properties of biomolecules,

6.        Describing the concept of ionic and chemical bonds,

7.        Explaining the basic properties of amino acids and enzymes,

8.        Summarizing the synthesis, degradation and metabolic pathways of biomolecules

9.        Selecting the basic statistical tests to be applied to scientific research data,

10.    Using computers to write reports, make calculations and prepare presentations,

11.    Pronouncing the basic anatomical terminology correctly,

12.    Being able to list the muscles and joints in the human body,

13.    Being able to indicate the muscles and joints on models and cadavers,

14.    Identifying the vessels and nerves of the extremities models and cadavers,

15.    Performing basic medical interventions such as intravascular intervention, intramuscular injection, blood pressure measurement on models,

16.    Describing mental health and its principles,

17.    Describing the developmental processes of children and adolescents,

18.    Explaining the rules for empathy with patients and their relatives,

19.    Listing stress-coping mechanisms,

20.    Listing the biological and hereditary bases of cancer,

21.    Defining the roles of genes in immunity.


1. Ability to list the systems and organs that comprise the human body and their location,

2. Explaining the proximities of organs relative to each other in the human body,

3. Describing the structures of organs at the tissue and cellular level, the physiological processes and biochemical properties in accordance with the medical terminology,

4. Defining the features of histological structures of organs and tissues and recognizing them under microscope,

5. Ability to list the microbial agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) that are encountered in the normal flora of different systems and organs of the human body, and recognizing their microscopic and macroscopic properties.

Latest Update:28.08.2018