The national patent application titled "High Accuracy Object Counting System Using Multi-View Method" for the Seed Counting Machine developed by our faculty member Dr. Hakan Aktaş from the Department of Computer Engineering with support from TÜBİTAK has been registered by the Turkish Patent Institute.

Domestic Sales Started
Dr. Aktaş, who established his company with TÜBİTAK BİGG support and continued his R&D projects within Niğde TEKNOPARK A.Ş., completed the seed counting machine project with additional support from TÜBİTAK BİGG, TEYDEB 1507, and KOSGEB. Domestic sales of the machine began, and a patent application was submitted in September 2021, followed by an exhibition at the Antalya Growtech Fair in November 2021.
Rector’s Statement: "With the machine developed by Aktaş, we have become one of the five countries with technology capable of counting seeds."
Our University Rector and Chairman of Niğde TEKNOPARK A.Ş., Prof. Dr. Hasan Uslu, congratulated Dr. Hakan Aktaş for developing Türkiye's first and only domestic seed counting machine. He noted that this advancement places Türkiye among the five countries with technology capable of counting seeds using image processing methods. The machine can be utilized in various industrial applications beyond seed counting. Prof. Dr. Uslu emphasized the ongoing research and development efforts at the university and Niğde TEKNOPARK A.Ş., aiming to enhance the national and international brand value of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University